Kick drum issue
Im having Kick drum issues. :?
The band I do sound for is using
2 Peavey SP4 tops (215 2 way)
2 Peavey SP 2 Subs
Driverack PA+
1 QSC RMX 850 sterio on highs
2 QSC mono RMX 1450 Mids
2 QSC mono RMX 2450 Subs
I have no where neer enough punch from the subs. What crossovers should I be using? I have had issues with the subharmonic synthisizer where it collored the vocals. The way I turn on the system, is turn subs up till there loud enough, which they arnt, then mids, then highs. THe only time the subs where loud enough was when I accedently clipped the amps. One other question. For setting delay, do you multiply .89 by the distance from the loudest sound source to the speakers then add that to whatever your delay for mids and highs is?
Also on the new auto eq method, can I point the mic at the floor infront of the speaker stack or do I need to tilt the tops twords the floor, and also do you do it with the subs running too?
The band I do sound for is using
2 Peavey SP4 tops (215 2 way)
2 Peavey SP 2 Subs
Driverack PA+
1 QSC RMX 850 sterio on highs
2 QSC mono RMX 1450 Mids
2 QSC mono RMX 2450 Subs
I have no where neer enough punch from the subs. What crossovers should I be using? I have had issues with the subharmonic synthisizer where it collored the vocals. The way I turn on the system, is turn subs up till there loud enough, which they arnt, then mids, then highs. THe only time the subs where loud enough was when I accedently clipped the amps. One other question. For setting delay, do you multiply .89 by the distance from the loudest sound source to the speakers then add that to whatever your delay for mids and highs is?
Also on the new auto eq method, can I point the mic at the floor infront of the speaker stack or do I need to tilt the tops twords the floor, and also do you do it with the subs running too?
Look,if it's the older subs with the BW drivers there is no way you'd ever likely get sufficient output, or low extension.. those weren't subwoofers but low mid drivers. Second if it is the lowrider subs even in bridged mono toy have no where near enough power @ 1200watts per speaker(in a perfect world) to get those things going WITHOUT clipping.
To get what is available out of those subs you would need to run bridged mono, and run them together, within a few inches of one another. Even then your under powered...HPFBW 18 @40 hz MINIMUM more like 45 hz, and LPF 100hz LR24... same for the tops, HPF 100hz LR24, LPF 2000 hz LR24 horn 2000hz LR24 .
As for the delay, what are you getting at here? Looks like your using delay for bi-amping the tops?
For the indoor method, lay the speaker on it;s side, place the mic on a piece of carpet or towel aimed at the speaker up to 25 feet away.. closer is not better and the closer the more proximity effect will affect the results, use something to tilt the speaker (on it's side remember) downward toward the mic.
For the delay, I was under the impresson that you are supposed to delay the speaker stacks in relation to the loudest sound source from the stage.
Thanks for all the help, my knoledge has doubled in the last 6 months! Im finding that it is true, the more you learn the less you know!
I have looked into it and the SP series uses the Pro rider. Not the low rider, but presumably better than the Black widow. In the event you don't have the low end you need you ADD more cabs.. or bigger amps...You would get better results with 4800 watts per cab...
The thing here is that a proper woofer in a proper enclosure will elicit great results. Most of the front loaded cabs now have a serious driver that needs SERIOUS power to drive it. When A speaker like the Low Rider is coupled with the proper amp, say a 4000-5000 watt amp it really comes alive. With only half of that power you get LESS than half the output, and no where near the output. The woofers suspension is such that it really NEEDS POWER to excite them.
Other high efficiency designs are more forgiving power wise, but front loaded speakers rely on brute force to give them life.
As for the delay... I assume you have a DR240, DR260 or above? The way to do that is with PRE delay, and it takes FAR more than the DRPA platform with it's 10ms of delay to do this.
How it's done? The delay factor is in fact .885 ms/ foot, but we typically just round it to 1ms/foot. the ear can't really differentiate anything below about .5 -.7 ms. The delay is figured to the loudest stage element and that is typically the drum monitor, using pre delay. This delay is applied to the mains to allow the stage sound to catch up.
The sub synth is useless...and as you have experienced is useless for live sound.
As for the delay for alignment for the tops I assume you were using this thread perhaps?:
Does that answer your questions?
For my PA Im going to be getting 6 218 subs from a company called EAI, they are Eminence loaded and Ill be running 4500 watts per cab, or maybe 2 4500 watt amps per cab. For the tops I have a set of Sound Tech 215 2 way speakers, and they sound great. Ill be getting some more later on. Im thinking abvout getting 212 3 way speakers from EAI and then combine the 2 differnt setups. ALso maybe just do 2 212 2 way speakers then have 2 boxes made that have 4 8 inch mid range drivers. Im looking at getting Face Audio amps.
Sub harmonic synth is a waist of time. They should have put brick wall limiters in the PA+ instead.
I cant wait to get a 260 so we can run the wedges on that. I might just have to order 4 260s!!!! :twisted:
Other then the bar owner freaking out on me because the party bus left because it was "to loud", :x it went incredibly well!!! Cant wait for the show this weekend to see how it sounds! I did the new indoor method for auto eq, and I got a much better souind from the pa with less eqing. That room is hard to work in too. Gotta love accoustics!
I run a pretty loose ship here and as long as you don't start spamming and selling things (which IS against policy) then it's all good! :!:
Ok now I've been in this business a LOOONNNGGGG time, what the heck is :
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
That's a new one on me...
I think it's the motions you go through moving the kik and snare (and all the rest of the gear) from the box truck to the stage and back.
There are however inserts per channel for that very purpose.