Yamaha/JBL mixed Pairs of full rg and subs 4x2-15s, 4x18s
I have 2 jbl JRX 100 2x15s, and 2x18s. I also have 2 yamaha s215v's, and 2 s18v's. I don't run this altogether unless we have the need and current to powerthe amps sufficiently...I run the subs in mono off a qsc ex4000 (not bridged) with a lead to each side of stage from outputs a and b and jump from yamaha to JBL...I calculate to be running at 2.666 ohms at a very sufficient wattage considering the power of this amp...I have never had an issue with bottom end, esp with all 4 running. I run the yamaha 215s off a behringer ep2500 since they handle more power than the JBL's. I run the JBL215's off a QSC rmx1450. How can I run all this off the DRPA+? I have it configured for the JBL setup and the Yamaha setup seperately no prob, but getting the tops to run all together is escaping me. I also have 2 more rmx 1450s available if needed. I just can't figure out how to get this done...any help will be appreciated.
Addendum..after some reading, OK, alot of reading I see that maybe my sound will have issues with high freq if I run these mains together due to 90degree dispersion of horns...let me know if I am on the right track...can I overcome this with positioning or some other solution to increase coverage and not cross saturate? I also (think I) see that some people have run 2x6 biamp config and set mids crossover to full range to run another set of mains..I am likely wrong, but I really need some guidance. I am a long time musician, but admit I don't know alot about proper sound configuration...willing to listen and learn.
Addendum..after some reading, OK, alot of reading I see that maybe my sound will have issues with high freq if I run these mains together due to 90degree dispersion of horns...let me know if I am on the right track...can I overcome this with positioning or some other solution to increase coverage and not cross saturate? I also (think I) see that some people have run 2x6 biamp config and set mids crossover to full range to run another set of mains..I am likely wrong, but I really need some guidance. I am a long time musician, but admit I don't know alot about proper sound configuration...willing to listen and learn.
Yes, running all those dissimilar speaker at the same time is a recipe for all manor of sonic chaos. Hi frequency's that overlap will really begin to cause cancellations and modes that will degrade the overall sound.
Yes you can set the DRPA up for biamp, 3 way. You will need to lower the HPF on the hi outs and the mid out and raise the LPF on the mid outs...The Yamaha and JBL 215's should be fairly similar and as long as they are lined up and in near proximity they should couple pretty well, although I couldn't confirm because I couldn't find and s18v in JBL's lineup.
You do see that that would require 360 degree pattern don't you? I mean 180 0n one sie and 180 on the other...