K series & SRX
I have a electronic show coming up in a 5,000 sq foot room. 300-450 people
I am renting some subs to supplement my system and was wanting some advice. on signal chain and drive rack settings.
equipment available
mixwiz 16
driverack pa
2 kw12's
3 k10s
3 k subs
2 SRX 728 ( the older style)
2 qsc plx 3400's
This is my plan
Limit on Over easy 2, 18db
DBX hi - K 12's level 0.0 db, 100hz high pass, bw18, LR 24
DBX mid - 2 Ksubs level 0.0db, 50hz high pass, 100hz lowpass bw18 LR24
DBX low - SRX / QSC 3400 bridged mono per dual 18, level -4.3 db, 32hz high pass, 80 hz lowpass bw18, lr 24 ( amp at 100% gain )
Mixwiz Aux 1 fill, 2 K10's on the deck/ or on the subs laying wedge style, internal dsp.
Mixwiz Aux 2 Or DJ Mixer for monitor mix - 1 k10 1 ksub internal dsp
So each side would have Ksub pole and Kw12 and center clustered srx's.
I also thought about setting the stage up in the corner of the room pointing towards the middle of the room.
1) are these Driverack settings correct.
2) is this a good way about going it for the signal chain
3) would corner loading the stage setup be helpful or more trouble than its worth
4) any other suggestions
I am renting some subs to supplement my system and was wanting some advice. on signal chain and drive rack settings.
equipment available
mixwiz 16
driverack pa
2 kw12's
3 k10s
3 k subs
2 SRX 728 ( the older style)
2 qsc plx 3400's
This is my plan
Limit on Over easy 2, 18db
DBX hi - K 12's level 0.0 db, 100hz high pass, bw18, LR 24
DBX mid - 2 Ksubs level 0.0db, 50hz high pass, 100hz lowpass bw18 LR24
DBX low - SRX / QSC 3400 bridged mono per dual 18, level -4.3 db, 32hz high pass, 80 hz lowpass bw18, lr 24 ( amp at 100% gain )
Mixwiz Aux 1 fill, 2 K10's on the deck/ or on the subs laying wedge style, internal dsp.
Mixwiz Aux 2 Or DJ Mixer for monitor mix - 1 k10 1 ksub internal dsp
So each side would have Ksub pole and Kw12 and center clustered srx's.
I also thought about setting the stage up in the corner of the room pointing towards the middle of the room.
1) are these Driverack settings correct.
2) is this a good way about going it for the signal chain
3) would corner loading the stage setup be helpful or more trouble than its worth
4) any other suggestions
Trial it somewhere and Listen.
I am renting the subs and amps. I only have them the day of the show.
I am wanting a good game plan before i get to the venue.
I would love to do K12s at 160hz Ksub 160hz - 80 hz and SRX 80hz - 32hz.
I think the Ksub would be great for mid bass. I can not set it up like that though because the KSUB's DSP is set at 100hz-44hz and to my knowledge you can not defeat it .
Would I be better of not running the KSubs at all ?
I have ran them from a aux send at a rock venue and they summed with the house subs fairly well.
I do not want to risk damaging the rented subs either. would that be the correct comp/limit settings be
Limit on - Overeasy 2 , 18 DB
Thanks for the help and advice.
Yes a midbass application is likely the best use here...
In order to get 32 hz out of the JBL's you would need heavy handed equalization as well but you would risk damage...also...Those are some power hungry devils that 3400 watts will only get started with that kind of power...
I can't tfor the life of figure out why you would list two crossover points in every instance.
I might have guessed Hipass/ Lowpass but there IS no Lopass on the hi outs :?
My rec's:
JBL SRX728 HPF 35hz BW18 LPF 55hz LR24
Ksubs HPF 55hz LR24 LPF 130hz LR24
K12 HPF !30hz LR24
As for the limiter... use your gain structure to determine your clip potential, and don't exceed it... set the limiter as an OOPS
I'm really happy about this. I can take some of the low end strain off of the Kw12's and not have frequency overlap between boxes. Ksubs can do the mid bass and srx's can do the sub bass .
Perfect !
Do I need to lower the DB setting on the JBL's to -4.3db ? or should I run all outputs on 0.0 db ?
I saw the -4.3 db on the jbl tuning speck sheet
Sorry If my questions were redundant. I did search the forum extensively before posting.
I just want to be prepared.
Thanks again for you time and patience
Bob Lee
Applications Engineer
QSC Audio Products, LLC
Well, That sucks . The KW181 is also like that.
If that's the case use a PEQ @ 130hz and boost it 4-5 dB and see if that doesn't do it.. Did you actually talk to him? Did you ask why the manual says otherwise?
I have a test mic. I will just need to test it out.
if it does cross over at 100 hz . I guess I will just cross the srx's at 80 hz, run the K subs at 80-100 and tops at 100 and above. It would be great if the K subs go up to 130hz but with my string of luck lately
either way, Thanks for all the advice and super fast responses
I think I finally spoke to the correct person. and what you state here appears to be correct. It starts to roll off at 100 hz at -9db per octave. So I can boost up the 100 -130 range as you stated. this will allow me to use the ksubs as a mid bass driver. So I can take alot of the low end duty away from the k12's . This is great information to know, thank you for enlighten me
If the BOX is responsible for roll-off on the high end (because of a bandpass design), can EQ adjustments overcome that? Curious.
So one could EQ to bring up the high end but not the low end because of the enclosures bandpass.
I am curious as to what gadget's opinoin on this is as well
Should i have the K subs and Kw12's at 0.0 DB gain in the drive rack and the SRX's at -4.3 db gain ( i got this figure from the jbl website )
QSC has no figure on there site to my knowledge
That -4.3 db spec seems odd. The only way to state something like that is if the top boxes (and quantity) were know and the amp for them and the subs (and quantity) were known.
what do you recommend. It seems like one would need to know what amp etc. as you stated.
As for the -4.3.. that number is predicated on using the same amps for the whole rig, and assumes you have the proper amp for speaker.1-2 times the RMS value minimum.
Why not just use the "Start Here" and gain structure to set up the balance. Your only mediocre power wise on the JBLs' but should be enough to get you in trouble if you push it.
at the venue I ended up changing the crossover setting on the SRX. I settled on a range from 60 hz - 100 hz
Show went great.
Thanks for all the help