260 has RMS limiting?
Quote from an Harmony Central thread..."The DR260 has limiting with RMS detecting on the basic limiter and a peak let-thru that IIRC is adjustable." by Aged Horse, a respected member.
Can I get clarification or confirmation?
Can I get clarification or confirmation?
I thought the limiters were peak only. But, I hope that the statement is true.
Here is what Presonus has to say about it:
The overshoot in the dbx compressors not the peal stop , but the normal limiter, but alas not RMS I don't think.
The compressors on the Studiolive mixers are VERY transparent, very high end sounding by design, they are almost like not having compressors on at all except for the results. Heavy handed compression/limiting is very audible, and undesirable in my opinion.
Ran them on one side of a QSC PLX3102 600w into the summed load (8 ohm). I really dialed the amp back to maybe 8 o'clock, and really babied them because the amp's potential is still there. My goal is confidence against damage. One reply was to just use the 260's limiter. I responded with the the "peak only" problem. That is when another replied that the limiter was RMS with the added Peak (overshoot).
I want that to be true. What would be the best way to test it? Pink noise, low threashhold, toggle overshoot off and on?
You got a reliable / knowlegable source at DBX?
Care to expound on that a bit?
What is the back story? And why have we never known that? Why hasn't DBX screamed that from the roof-tops? Why doesn't DBX write manuals like Yamaha?
DRA (You better not me yanking my chain
Nothing in the actual literature I can tell you about...