I read a thread from Gadget or Dra ? don't remember who, that they don't like JBL. On this forum your talking to people that really don't know the good stuff from the not so good.
JBL is so far ahead of Peavey , EV, and Eminence equiped sound that it is not funny. EAW might be better but you have to go to BF Egypt to find it. Clair has great stuff but you need " Great Stuff " in your pocket to buy it.
All , so called, sound people would like to have the EAW-Clair equipment but most, on this forum, are just DJ or bar room sound people. You would think Gadget and Dra would explain to the novice, on this forum, that there not going to have a concert sound with the cheap brands. They could say" here's your potential" when answering a question.
JBL is the best upgrade to most peoples pocketbook. The pro knows what's best anyway and can afford it. Most of us peon's can't.
My 2 cents ! Not trying to step on toes just being real.
JBL is so far ahead of Peavey , EV, and Eminence equiped sound that it is not funny. EAW might be better but you have to go to BF Egypt to find it. Clair has great stuff but you need " Great Stuff " in your pocket to buy it.
All , so called, sound people would like to have the EAW-Clair equipment but most, on this forum, are just DJ or bar room sound people. You would think Gadget and Dra would explain to the novice, on this forum, that there not going to have a concert sound with the cheap brands. They could say" here's your potential" when answering a question.
JBL is the best upgrade to most peoples pocketbook. The pro knows what's best anyway and can afford it. Most of us peon's can't.
My 2 cents ! Not trying to step on toes just being real.
Wow! Can you be more specific in what has offended you so much that you would publicly TRY to humiliate Gadget for his opinion on JBL? Odd that you are mad that JBL was "tarnished" in some thread that you read, then bring up Peavey, EV, and Eminence speaker cabinets being so far inferior. Eminence?
I see this all the time on PSW and Harmony. Someone gets "offended" and "blows up" at the people that have the information they seek and when they don't get the answer they want... the fireworks start. What will they do the next time they need an answer? Either eat crow or remain ignorant. (or maybe change their login name) 8)
Sorry that whatever happened to you happened.
I don't doubt there are better things than JBL ! Better things than EAW ! That is not what we are asking. We have questions about stated equipment. Mostly connected with DBX. Why throw the post off the bus because we don't have your favorite equipment ? Fix mine or tell me "you need to buy this !" Your system won't do what your asking.
Thats like your doctor telling you you need your brothers body before we can help.
I have been looking at this forum for years because I have DBX and I have problems. If we could all buy class A we wouldn't have problems. Right ?
As far as me asking more questions or changing my log-on name ? In the last 3 years you have not answered any questions anyway. Kind'a funny reading some of your answers though.
Can you be more specific? Please name one time (provide the link) I have diminished anyone's gear?
Again, go ask your questions on PSW and see the responses you get.
We answer EVERY question that comes on here, and I as moderator for the last 10+ years allow pretty much anything to be talked about or discussed, on topic or off. JBL is after all a Harmon company, and I could care less.. I call em as I see em. I'm not the only one who thinks JBL isn't the do all end all solution either. Their product quality went right in the crapper when they went offshore, I'm far from the only one to install JBL speakers, they come in brand new with mismatched drivers? Whats with that? Myself and others have installed JBL SRX series speakers that couldn't even put out 12K5 at 3dB down, yet claim 20Khz response...When we contacted their so called tech support they were less than helpful and down right adversarial! Yes, getting the correct drivers was like pulling teeth!
JBL isn't even close to my real pet peeve but this isn't about gear is it? We come in here and try and help people, you on the other hand have, from your very first post in 2009 have been adversarial. Ya I read back over your 42 posts. Usually on the offensive mode right from the getgo...Whats with that?
You think by coming on here and calling me out your going to hurt my feelings? Or change my opinion about JBL...NOT likely.. but JBL can, they just have to prove to me they can make a better product, and if they do I'll say so. But they continue to underwhelm me...I think the new PRX series is a step in the right direction, and some of their top line product are ok, but for the money I would choose other equipment.
So are you pissed because I pointed out the cabs on your JRX are not capable of handling a REAL woofer? Or that you can't just thrown any old driver into any cabinet and have audio Nirvana?
My advice is offered for what it's worth... if your not satisfied ask for a refund...or ignore it all together.. it's all the same to me..but don't call me out on a public forum and expect me to roll over and play dead... email, me directly, or PM me... I have provided all the contact info you need.. or come find me, I make no bones about where I am or what I do, and unlike some people I don't have a hidden agenda...
I can't remember all my post. I did have a problem with the first PA+ I bought. I had to get replacements 3 times before I got a good one. Been great so far. I finally figured a way to make the auto eq work with subs.
I can't remember you cutting my equipment when I made a post. I have read several threads from others that the answers were humorous. Now that I know you guys are not pros and answer by opinion I will not be so surprised by the answers. Sorry I stepped on anyones toe's. I'm no pro and what little I know came from trial and error. Having said that I can still learn from other's error's also.
Your back handed remarks have been prevalent throughout this thread, including your last post. So, I think it has been your intent. Seems to be a great deal of attitude. Could be that inflection in your writing is very hard to detect.
I don't agree with everything that everybody says around here but I don't call 'em out for it. I've utilized a lot of the methods that have been suggested here with great success and while I'm grateful for the ideas that are generated, I've also learned that there's no one way that's always the best solution for everybody in every situation.
Unlike Gadget, I'm a JBL fan... it's always treated me well regardless if I was installing it, selling it, renting it, or mixing on it. Peavey, on the other hand, is not one of my favorites although I'm well aware that they typically provide a very good value for the number of $$ spent... in fact I've sold a ton of their gear over the years. You definitely won't catch me deriding him for his preference but I may present an opinion if I think there's a JBL product in question that deserves a second look. Both of these companies, along with pretty much every other major manufacturer out there, has their strong and weak points and also has had their share of ups and downs. Nobody is immune from it... not Mackie, not EAW, not EV, not dbx, Meyer, Klipsch, etc., etc., etc.
twinten, I've read hundreds of posts from both Dra and Gadget and the only time I can ever remember anything even remotely terse is if, after repeated requests for setup info, someone just can't seem to grasp the concept of needing to provide ALL of their gear in a concise manner so that a recommendation can be made.
This forum is a fantastic resource and these two are a couple of the biggest reasons for it.
Alright... enough rambling, I've got to go sell some more excellent JBL speakers.
I have to wonder. If your blowing speakers, what are you doing? Either something is set up wrong or your speakers have wore out.
Your gonna sit here and say that JBL is better then Eminence? WOW! On Saturday i did sound at the local irish pub. We used our mics and board. It was a full range system with 2 215s and a horn. The speakers said JBL on them. The exact reason that i hate JBL so much, with a burning passion deep within my soul, the same reason was prevalent throughout the night. That midrange garbage that JBL speakers LOVE to put out. They are notorious for being harsh honky and midrangy.
My question is, "why should you have to fight all that garbage to try to get a good mix"?
Eminance does not throw in that audio garbage that JBL does.
For the record, i hate JBL. I will say that those 3 way 212 speakers that JBL made were by far the best sounding speakers they have ever made, from what I've used by them.
I find it interesting that your gonna sit here and bash Gadget and Dra. Have you ever used there advice? So far everything they have said has been correct. Ive had problems, I've posed them, Gadget or Dra answered them, and they have been dead on. Ive learned more from Gadget then anyone else. I just cant wait to drive the short distance to Walker to listen to a show Gadget mixes.