Crossover Point Suggestion
I am running a Tri-amp'ed system with (2) Peavey SP2 and (2) Yamaha SW112V's. I have a QSC850 powering the Highs, EP2500 powering the Mid's, and EP4000 powering the Subs. What do you suggest for X-Over points?? Yamaha suggests 90 for the subs. Playing Rock/Metal music.
The SP2 specs state a 1.8K @ 12db slope (probably BW). You might get away with a 1.5K using 24 or higher LR slope if properly limited. Or, leave it at 1.8K 24LR and gain a little power handling, or increase to 2K and gain a little more.
I remember SP series cabs with 1.2K and 2K x-overs over the years. I believe the rating of the cab was lower back when they crossed at the lower frequency.
Gadget should jump in soon.
The 1800 hz crossover point is fine for a 1.75 or 2" voice coil with a 24dB LR filter behind it... if you choose a lower slope you may have problems. Remember that a BW 18 is a good slope for subs, and LR is a good crossover for mids/highs unless you have skills in tuning.
No, you don't have to redo the preset but I would raise the HPF to at least 40 hz BW 18...
Now, lets look at the low mid... did you realize you have only 450 watts to drive that 4" voice coil in the SP2? that is actually a bigger more powerful woofer than in the SW118V... If you were to go bridged mono you would have 1200 watts per lo mid? If you run stereo you need to raise the HPF/LPF point to 118hz LR24...if you run Bridged 100hz LR24 or perhaps even 90hz would be ok...
Simply enter the xover and raise the Xover points to what we discussed and save the changes...
"Now, lets look at the low mid... did you realize you have only 450 watts to drive that 4" voice coil in the SP2?" I actually have the low mid being driven by an EP2500 in Bridged Mode. The QSX850 is driving the horns in the SP2 in stereo. Actually, you helped me setup this triamp system way back like 3 or 4 years ago.
If you go with the single 2500 in bridge mode you would have the right amount of power but the tops in stereo would only have 550 watts (8 ohms) and in bridge mode you would have 2000 watts per cab (15") ...but you would CRUSH the subs with little effort...
For about $400 you could add these to the cabinets and add 2 1/2 times the power handling and nearly double the output. ... A-PRO-18A/