Not sure how to do this
I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question.
I know my subs are underpowered and overshadowed by my mids (Gadget has mentioned this too). I have SRX715's and MRX518's. I am tri-amping and it sounds great at low to mid volumes.....However, I am always aware that the subs are a little drowned out by the mids so I just keep the levels down on the mids. I am using XTI4002 on the mids (an old Carvin for the horns) which is more than I need bridged into 4 ohms total but only XLS2000 on the subs. Because they are 4 ohms I am getting 650 output per side. I figured, although it might not make much difference, I would switch the amps - the XLS on the mids and the XTI on the subs. However, from the driverack, only the low out offers mono. This has not been a problem because I have been using left and right out for subs and same for mids even though amp is bridged - it still receives 2 channels. Now if I switch, the XLS will only receive single channel input when bridged but I have left and right from driverack. Is it as simple as using a 'y' connector or will I get signal loss or something worse???????
I know my subs are underpowered and overshadowed by my mids (Gadget has mentioned this too). I have SRX715's and MRX518's. I am tri-amping and it sounds great at low to mid volumes.....However, I am always aware that the subs are a little drowned out by the mids so I just keep the levels down on the mids. I am using XTI4002 on the mids (an old Carvin for the horns) which is more than I need bridged into 4 ohms total but only XLS2000 on the subs. Because they are 4 ohms I am getting 650 output per side. I figured, although it might not make much difference, I would switch the amps - the XLS on the mids and the XTI on the subs. However, from the driverack, only the low out offers mono. This has not been a problem because I have been using left and right out for subs and same for mids even though amp is bridged - it still receives 2 channels. Now if I switch, the XLS will only receive single channel input when bridged but I have left and right from driverack. Is it as simple as using a 'y' connector or will I get signal loss or something worse???????
You can also use the through function on many of the amps as well AND use the dual mono function on the amp for non bridged operation.
A 4 ohm speaker always screws the pooch when you want or need to bridge, because it makes you buy another amp for every speaker.
Bottom line - The MRX will never keep up with the SRX, unless you add more MRX (and power). Get the subs to the level that you want, then balance the mids and highs to that. "That's all she's got Cap'n"
Thanks all!!!!!!
If you are running live sound you might consider turning off the limiters on the DR's low outputs all together. Turn on the clip limiters on on the amp itself and let it ride. That may improve the sound to a higher level. If you wish to push the envelope, you might try turning off the amp's limiters all together. Here's why. A clipping amp will output about double the rated power. In your case, about 1300w. Still well below you peak rating, and as long as the clip lights don't glow on (flashing with the kick drum is fine) you would gain even more output and be balanced. Many people like the "dirty / distorted" sound of a sub amp clipping a bit.
Take this info under advisement, because if you loose control and run the sub amp into full clip mode (clipped more than not clipped) the subs will be cooked (well done).
If these 2 changes don't give you the balance you need, you MUST turn down the other amps.
Be prudent.
If you do the gain structure properly, then the CLIP points of the amps are BELOW that of the, when you see the master output meters nearing +10, you know your running out of gas...
Thanks again guys!!!
Good luck.