amp power recommendation
I'm looking at replacing my crappy b52 mains with a pair of peavey sp2bx. they are rated at 500/1000/2000. i have one crown xls1500 and i think I'm going to get another one. ill run each xls1500 in bridged mono, one amp for each speaker, putting out 1050w @ 8ohms. this is for live sound reinforcement..... vocals, guitars, bass, drums and synth. is this too much power, not enough or right where it needs to be?
Should be good power wise. The QSC amp selector says that is perfect. If you clip you will be exceeding the peek rating of the speakers however.
Let's say you will give 700w to your cab. Is it best to use a 400w amp, 700w amp, a 1000w amp, or a 2000w amp?
400w amp - obviously not. It will output about 800w when clipping but audio will be horrible.
700w amp - Seems like a good match, but the amp is maxed (but not clipping) and if you push it you can definately damage speakers by the clipping power being too much.
1000w amp - A good match with power to spare, with the same "if you push it" scenario.
2000w amp - Tempation is a powerful thing. Damaged speakers will result, even without clipping.
Is the 400w amp the wrong amp? No, if you stay away from clipping and it is loud enough. The biggest advantage is your speakers will last forever. If you drive into hard clipping, the speakers will be toast.
Is the 2000w amp the wrong amp? No, if you refrain from giving more than the neccessary power.