DriveRack PA+ Newbie Needs Help
Hello Everyone,
I am new to this forum and a new DRPA+ user. Here is my PA config:
1 - Presonus Studio Live 16.4.2
1 - DriverRack PA+
1 - Crown xti 4000
1 - Crown xti 2000
2 - JBL JRX 125 Tops
2 - JBL JRX 118S Subs
I got everything hooked up correctly and working fine. I read all the instructions, hooked up my RTA mic and ran through the wizard on my DRPA+. Because all of my amps and speakers are included in the presets, my first pink noise procedure went quick and easy. Everything seems to be working as per my DBX manual.
However, I noticed something strange. My subs seem to lack the punch that they had prior to adding my new DRPA+. My tops seem to be a bit too loud and bright. The whole system lacks the lows I once had with a traditional crossover. Also, the level meters on my DRPA+ seem low compared to my mixer output. It's as if the the wizard doesn't work too well. One of the reasons I bought my DRPA+ was to speed up my PA setups as I typically don't get much time to dial everything in prior to our gigs. I'm not a PRO sound guy but I thought this piece of gear would help my band by automating some of the tasks with our PA.
Clearly I don't have my DRPA+ configured correctly or the placement of my RTA mic is wrong. I've followed the intructions and placed it 25 feet in front and cenetered. I've run through the wizard multiple times and keep getting the same results. My questions are as follows:
1) How do I get my audio levels on my DRPA+ consistant/at unity with the output of my mixer? Why is it so low? Especially the lows...
2) Any suggestions as to better placement of my RTA mic?
3) Anybody have a config similar to mine that can offer advice? Do I need to fiddle with the manual settings of my DRPA+?
4) Any tricks to help with the balancing of my subs and mains that would give them a little more punch?
Now, I know that I am a newbie and probably deserve some flack. Please forgive my ignorance. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I am new to this forum and a new DRPA+ user. Here is my PA config:
1 - Presonus Studio Live 16.4.2
1 - DriverRack PA+
1 - Crown xti 4000
1 - Crown xti 2000
2 - JBL JRX 125 Tops
2 - JBL JRX 118S Subs
I got everything hooked up correctly and working fine. I read all the instructions, hooked up my RTA mic and ran through the wizard on my DRPA+. Because all of my amps and speakers are included in the presets, my first pink noise procedure went quick and easy. Everything seems to be working as per my DBX manual.
However, I noticed something strange. My subs seem to lack the punch that they had prior to adding my new DRPA+. My tops seem to be a bit too loud and bright. The whole system lacks the lows I once had with a traditional crossover. Also, the level meters on my DRPA+ seem low compared to my mixer output. It's as if the the wizard doesn't work too well. One of the reasons I bought my DRPA+ was to speed up my PA setups as I typically don't get much time to dial everything in prior to our gigs. I'm not a PRO sound guy but I thought this piece of gear would help my band by automating some of the tasks with our PA.
Clearly I don't have my DRPA+ configured correctly or the placement of my RTA mic is wrong. I've followed the intructions and placed it 25 feet in front and cenetered. I've run through the wizard multiple times and keep getting the same results. My questions are as follows:
1) How do I get my audio levels on my DRPA+ consistant/at unity with the output of my mixer? Why is it so low? Especially the lows...
2) Any suggestions as to better placement of my RTA mic?
3) Anybody have a config similar to mine that can offer advice? Do I need to fiddle with the manual settings of my DRPA+?
4) Any tricks to help with the balancing of my subs and mains that would give them a little more punch?
Now, I know that I am a newbie and probably deserve some flack. Please forgive my ignorance. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Scan through the FAQ section of the forum (not the FAQ with the ? mark above, that is a site FAQ). You'll find detailed gain structure, auto EQ, etc info... real world use info. In a word, the manual is wrong. Is has been wrong since the inception of the first Driverack. Go there and read read read. If you have any questions feel free to ask away.
Turn one stack off totally
place the mic out 25 feet strait out on a towel on the floor
turn the subs down 6dB or more, or off totally the RTA won't be accurate below 170hz anyway
do a flat measurement run
call up the EQ afterwards and view any full cut or boost with suspicion
Have the SL 16 also and LOVE it! The remote ipad app is the BOMB!
Yeah the Presonus SL is a great mixer! Love it!