Paralleling Yamaha SW118 and PV118
I have 2 pairs of subwoofers - (2) Yamaha SW118 and (2)PV118 and an EP4000 AMP. Is it ok to parallel a Yamaha to a PV from each channel of the amp?? The ratings on the Yamaha are 600/1200, the PV 400/800 and the AMP is 950/1,400 @ 4OHMs. Do you think there is any advantage to running 4-subs along with my SP2's?? Also using a Driverack PA.
If the sound is acceptable to you then go for it.
From an electrical aspect, it is best to run separate speaker lines to each speaker (not daisy chain).
I was going to run a Yam paralleled to a PV on each channel. What do you mean " it is best to run separate speaker lines to each speaker (not daisy chain)", if there is only 2 Output channels on the AMP how would I do that??
You could consider adding an I/O plate in you rack, with 2 speakons for each channel. Then run a cable to each speaker. The reason for separate cable is current loss because of long runs and lower impedence thru the cable. Not saying you have to, just that it is best.
Yes, I know that you are wanting to mix the pairs and you asked if it would be a problem. My recommendation was a way to "test" if there would be one. A simpler test using the mixed pair would be to run a single cable to the PV. Listen. Then daisy chain (jump/connect) to the Yam. Listen and compare. then you will know it they cause problem or cancelations. Speakons make it easy to have instantatious comparisons because of the quick twist make / break of the connection.