Could not find the configuration as it is not loaded followed custome setup but sound is way too low and lacks clarity and crispness, one of the main reasons why i purchased the rack.
OK. Since you didn'r list your amps, and what your primary usage is... I'll give you a generic set-up.
First do a gain structure as described in detail in the STRT HERE and FAQ sections.
Select CUSTOM - PASSIVE for highs
Select CUSTIOM - PASSIVE for subs
Turn off the compressor and don't use.
Don't use the Sub Synth.
Set up the x-over...
Subs - 45hz BW18 - 100hz LR24 - Gain +3db
Highs - 100hz LR24 - Gain -0-db
Please list all components, what you want to acomplish, what use they will be used for.
I have some Sub 12 and some Titan 12s.
Could not find the configuration as it is not loaded followed custome setup but sound is way too low and lacks clarity and crispness, one of the main reasons why i purchased the rack.
Thank you,
First do a gain structure as described in detail in the STRT HERE and FAQ sections.
Select CUSTOM - PASSIVE for highs
Select CUSTIOM - PASSIVE for subs
Turn off the compressor and don't use.
Don't use the Sub Synth.
Set up the x-over...
Subs - 45hz BW18 - 100hz LR24 - Gain +3db
Highs - 100hz LR24 - Gain -0-db
Balance the sound by turn DOWN the LOUDEST amp.