need help to set up DRPA ,kw153,kw181,k12,jblmrx515
I am new in live sound and needing help big time with the DriveRack PA+ setup and configuration.
1 allenheath mixwizard WS 16:2 mixer
2 QSC K12s for monitor
2 QSC Kw153s as our FOH
2QSC Kw181s for the sub .
2 passive JBL MRX515 run with qsc2450amp.added to FOH
so, please help to set this up with DRPA to run our system.
can i set full range for FOH
and monitors i alway have feedback problem .need help
And how I am going to connect it between the mixer and the speakers? And after connecting, what is the best process to get the Auto Wizard going?
Thanks in advance.
I am new in live sound and needing help big time with the DriveRack PA+ setup and configuration.
1 allenheath mixwizard WS 16:2 mixer
2 QSC K12s for monitor
2 QSC Kw153s as our FOH
2QSC Kw181s for the sub .
2 passive JBL MRX515 run with qsc2450amp.added to FOH
so, please help to set this up with DRPA to run our system.
can i set full range for FOH
and monitors i alway have feedback problem .need help
And how I am going to connect it between the mixer and the speakers? And after connecting, what is the best process to get the Auto Wizard going?
Thanks in advance.
Why? this is a BIG problem...Dissimilar speakers covering the same area will cause all manner of sonic chaos...(unless your trying to cover 140degrees of horizontal coverage???)
Hmmm you must have them VERY VERY LOUD! :?
We have provided a vast wealth of information here so you can learn why these things are important.
This includes:
The 'start here' thread in the READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING section
And the FAQ section, where we discuss in detail ALL things audio, and especially driverack...
For one thing, how to run a 2 way (mono) FOH system and a single monitor mix using only the DRPA+
There are certain things that we cannot do for you...well, will not do for you...
I have experience with the K12's, the 153's and the KW181's... and they don't need a lot of help, they are already pretty read up, answer the questions and come back with more...