Can the PX do this?
Hi PX owner here. I understand the PX is designed to do FOH or monitors, but not both at the same time. Assuming that the anti feedback feature as the only feature being used, and a mono signal with only a single monitor feed, would the PX suppress feedback in both feeds (assuming the band limits for feedback suppression).
Thanks, Kent
Thanks, Kent
I found this thread, and the config is similar to ours (this is a DRPA+, QSC mains, dual QSC subs and QSC monitors -- All K series). We differ by having a only a single K-sub and a several brands / models of powered monitors.
We also share the OPs problem, feedback from a variety of sources (not identical set up, but same problem of feedback from both main and monitors).
From the thread: The PA+ allows for independent feedback suppression from an Aux fed monitor feed and mono mains (assuming configed as dual mono). That sounds what we need. And as Gadget points out, PA+ adds EQ options for both mains and monitors.
I have nine days left on my 30 day return of the PX to Guitar Center. Given a feedback problem in both mains and monitors, it appears this PA+ is a smarter choice, and the PX should be returned.
Are any PX features lost when moving to a PA+ that I should be aware of? (I know the powered spkr wizard is not there). The alternative would be to purchase a second PX (not desirable $$$), or ______???
Thanks, Kent
PS - if you have feedback in both worlds, the separate EQ will help (and probably resolve), but you still won't have separate AFS. You have to step up to a 260 for that.
I forgot to post a link to the original thread to which I referred... viewtopic.php?f=27&t=3137
In this thread, Gadget writes "The thing about the setup is, if we use the Left input for the mains and the right for the monitors that is the way the Auto EQ will do the system, left channel first, right second... that is why it's important to set up the crossover as DUAL MONO and not linked stereo..."
If I understand correctly, this config will auto EQ both mono mains and a single mono monitor feed.
Any recommendations for a moderate priced RTA mic?
Thank you so much for the guidance. Kent
If you can accomplish most of the system EQ with PEQ's you will have a superior overall system sound... the LESS EQ you need to use the cleaner and clearer the system will sound, therefore the 260 with it's 4 PEQ's per output is nice, a LOT can be done with those 4 PEQ bands...
Remember, every GEQ cut or boost carries with it a a phase shift for that frequency band...multiply that times 28 bands and you can see that the more you EQ the more out of whack the system becomes...
Most any RTA mic will work.. I have the behringer, the dbx, the Peavey and they all work and are basically flat in the critical midrange...If I was to recommend one mic it would be the rational acoustic RTA 420
() none of us REALLY wants a completely flat from 20-20khz system. What IS good is a boost in the lows , below 150hz and a slight falloff above 5khz...the midrange is where we want the speakers flat...the more low end you have then LESS perceived over all volume the system has...the above 5K rolloff helps with listening fatigue.