PX + BBE Sonic Maximizer
I am a new owner of the PX drive rack. I have two JBL PRX 635 speakers. I also have a BBE 882i Sonic Maximizer http://www.bbesound.com/products/sonic- ... /882i.aspx
When I bought the PX I ran my potential configuration by 2 of the pro audio guys at Guitar Center. They both agreed that running my mixer to the PX to the Sonic Maximizer to the Speakers would work fine. However I have not found any post on the board or any mention of running the px through any sort of other rack units in the PX users manual. Would the configuration work okay, again it would potentially be:
MIXER > DriveRack PX > BBE 882i > JBL PRX 635's
I assume run the BBE 882i on bypass for the configuration and EQ setup. Would this be okay? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
When I bought the PX I ran my potential configuration by 2 of the pro audio guys at Guitar Center. They both agreed that running my mixer to the PX to the Sonic Maximizer to the Speakers would work fine. However I have not found any post on the board or any mention of running the px through any sort of other rack units in the PX users manual. Would the configuration work okay, again it would potentially be:
MIXER > DriveRack PX > BBE 882i > JBL PRX 635's
I assume run the BBE 882i on bypass for the configuration and EQ setup. Would this be okay? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Can you... yes, Should you??? No... The thing that the BBE does is TRICK the ear through psycho acoustics into believing that the sound is something it's not.. and that is properly aligned and in phase/polarity. First off, the older speaker were NOT very well designed and were not nearly as good sounding as the ones today...Especially the new speakers with DSP ..like the ones you have, the JBL PRX635's...Those "professions" at gc should have steered you away from the BBE... it's not necessary and will actually hurt the sound of your system.
The driverack can offer tools that can help you in various rooms and situations, the BBE can do nothing but cloud the issues...
Thanks for the advice and the fast reply. In all fairness to the GC dudes, the BBE was already something we had running before we decided to spring for the PX. I will assume just bypass the BBE all together. When setting up the Configuration, would you know of a good preset to start with since out of the box the model of JBL's wasn't included in the presets? Thanks again for any and all recommendations.
The PX has been purchased to use the varous EQ's to correct the inconsistancies in the speaker. Then you are going to use the BBE to mess up what has been repaired.
Does the BBE add depth and thickness to the sound? Yeah. But... Those speakers should sound pretty good without the BBE. The running joke is..."Is the BBe Sonic Maximizer useful? Yes. It works great to hold the door open when loading in."
If you decide that you must use it, then yes, your routing is correct.
Presets you see, are simply HPF/LPF and sometimes (hardly ever in an active speaker situation) compressor limiter settings...but when you have active crossovers (speakers that either don't have internal crossovers, or are capable of having them bypassed) you will get a LOT more settings in the crossover setup, like PEQ, XOver points and with some processors alignment delay (which the PX does not have...).
You mentioned "We already had it.". Does that mean that you are a band?
If it is, there is a place for the BBE in cetain situations. For example... if your lead singer is a little too "tenor", then insert the BBE on him and fatten up his low end. If you have a acoustic guitar that you want to sound a little more full bodied, you can do the same.
Correct! PA is primarily being used for a three piece power band. We had been using the BBE for a few months and we did notice a thickening up, if you will, of the overall PA sound. And like you mentioned, both singers in said band enjoyed the more full sound with the BBE in play. We have yet to use the PX in practice but are going to do so tonight. We also have a gig this weekend where 2 dj's will be opening up for us which I am excited to break out the PX for. Thanks a lot for your help, it really is appreciated.