Connecting AUX Fed Subs
I need help on how to correctly connect aux fed subs on my system. I have an Allen Heath Mix-Wiz 16, DBX DR PA+, 4 JBL SR4725 Mains, 2 SRX718 Subs, and 2 Crown Xti4000's. I know on the mixer I can use the Mono slider to control aux fed subs tied into with the Aux 6 knob. I plan to add an SRX 728 sub soon. How do I connect this with what I have? Do I bypass the DR completely on the subs and go directly from the M output on mixer directly to Crown Xti amp? Do I need to set anything on the Crown DSP settings? Any help would be much appreciated.
Also if I go with another Xti4000 how would I set up other 2 JBL's through the mids in the DR PA? Thanks.
My recommendations are:
HPF = 40hzBW18
LPF = 118hz LR24
HPF = 118hz LR24
With the amps, download the Bandmanager software and use the GUI to set up the amps... you can save the setups in case they get wiped from the amps, and you can set up several scenarios you can switch between as needed...