Smaart/Systune control
Are there any plans to allow control of dbx units like 4800 or 260 via software programs like Smaart v7 or Systune? both allow contol of Lake EQ's. I asked Smaart's Rational Acoustics and they said to contact the manufacturer to implement this via an API port (I am not familiar with how this works) feature. And I dont know how AFMG's Systune how handle this, they use third party DSP plug ins (?). I would be great to have this control, like smaart v5 and v6 have via RS232.
Alfredo Prada
Alfredo Prada
I suppose if enough people contacted DBX and demanded a SMAART interface for the 4800, DBX might look into it but so far I do not see any pigs flying. The 260 is much farther down the food chain and a typical 260 customer is looking for auto EQ rather than a SMAART interface.....ain't gonna happen.
I didn't know that