Headroom Meters
I notice that at time the headroom meters with be in the red, but I dont see the green/yellow portion light up, just the red. Sometime i'll see the first one or two LEDs light up green but never all of the LEDS. Is there a reason for this? I would think like most meter it lights up from the green and everything would be light if the signal was causing the meter to go into the red.............
Meter Ballistics has been a double edged sword for years. On the one hand the analog meters (needle type) do nice work in the averaging department, they SUCK at peak audio indication, Even LED's don't react fast enough (even though they were added to analog meters for a time) to catch the peaks... by the time they light...the peak has come and gone and is little more than a memory.
I noticed early on with the 260, that the meters on the GUI didn't agree with those on the 260 itself...In fact, peaks that caused overload on the GUI didn't even register in some cases on the meters of the unit...
So, those are just a guide on the PA/PA+ PX... leave room for error... and understand that they cannot keep up with the real world speed of the actual audio~