Gadget and DRA
Perhaps you could spare a bit of time to answer a post over at HC ... RPA-vs.-PA
Perhaps you could spare a bit of time to answer a post over at HC ... RPA-vs.-PA
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gadget_7250, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
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The HC website has been glitchy off and on. If you want to pursue it further, Craigv is the mod
Well, I tried to message CraigVsAdink but he doesn't allow messages :roll:
Are you using the name "gadget_7250" for the HC forum?
I think this is the same poster on PSW.
I think you're right
When you register at HC, there is a 24 hour hold put on your account and you can't post during that time. The HC website is glitchy and sometimes an account is not released from that hold. That is what happened to you but Craigv has fixed the problem and you are good to go. Craig says welcome to HC.