Driverack PA home audio config issues...
I'm having a bit of trouble getting a setup that is what I need and would appreciate some feedback. In the past my setup drove two JBL towers and a JBL sub for small/med sized clubs. I haven't been playing live for a few years and a lot of my equipment just sits there. I decided to do some research into using my DRPA for my home audio and have seen a lot of folks have had great results. My main speakers are Polk LSi25's. The DRPA will only run these two speakers. The speakers have two inputs, one for Mids/Highs and one for the Low and the subs have built in amps.
I know a lot of "purists" would likely schoof at this but I really don't fall into that category. I have this equipment sitting here not doing much and plan to give it a go. We'll see how it works out but am giving it a trial.
My plan is to send from my DAC --> pre-amp (with XLR outputs) --> DRPA High --> Crown CE 1000 --> Polks High/Mids input. Then for the subs from the DRPA in Mono straight to each of the Polk's Low input on each speaker. Of course I would then shut off the compressor, limiters, sub synth, and feedback eliminator.
When running setup it keeps asking for my High, Mid, and Sub amps. I thought I had set it up properly as 2X3 but not sure as I assume it would only ask for two amps? The DRPA Low amp will be set to Custom and I'll likely have to tinker with that.
Just trying to get the settings right and not sure where I'm going wrong. I have been searching the forums and support but haven't seen what I'm looking for. Since I haven't set this up in awhile I'm having a little trouble just getting this set correctly.
Thank you,
I know a lot of "purists" would likely schoof at this but I really don't fall into that category. I have this equipment sitting here not doing much and plan to give it a go. We'll see how it works out but am giving it a trial.
My plan is to send from my DAC --> pre-amp (with XLR outputs) --> DRPA High --> Crown CE 1000 --> Polks High/Mids input. Then for the subs from the DRPA in Mono straight to each of the Polk's Low input on each speaker. Of course I would then shut off the compressor, limiters, sub synth, and feedback eliminator.
When running setup it keeps asking for my High, Mid, and Sub amps. I thought I had set it up properly as 2X3 but not sure as I assume it would only ask for two amps? The DRPA Low amp will be set to Custom and I'll likely have to tinker with that.
Just trying to get the settings right and not sure where I'm going wrong. I have been searching the forums and support but haven't seen what I'm looking for. Since I haven't set this up in awhile I'm having a little trouble just getting this set correctly.
Thank you,
I set the Low amp to custom and the High to the CE1000.
Any insights on possible things to keep an eye on or to double check? Any possible hazards? I have the CE1000 set to only 25% volume and likely wont go beyond that for awhile.
My speakers and cables arrive Tuesday but I still need to pickup two XLR to RCA or banana cables for going from the DRPA to the sub inputs on the speakers.
I do have a couple questions though as I had planned on Bi-Amping with DRPA Low output going to the subs and the High output to the mids/high that has a hardware crossover. After talking with the manufacturer I am actually just sending the DRPA High output to the bridged input on the speaker and let it handle all of the crossover functions. For DRPA High I have set the crossover all the way down to 20Hz so it sends all frequencies to the High output. I didn't see a way to disable the DRPA crossover so I'm curious if there is a better way to do this?
Also, is there a way to just exit out of a menu? For example, I press XOver button to see the XOver settings but the only way I have found to exit the screen is to hit store 3 times. Is there a better way to just get back to the main screen?
Thank you,
Press the PROG button.
PS - Still not quite sure what you are asking in you other questions.
Just curious if there is a better way to get the full range to one set of outputs. I didn't see a direct way to just disable the XOver.
You do realize that there is NO WAY your speakers can reproduce 20 hz... don't you? And that if you use an HPF you can PROTECT the speakers from over excrusion???
In this case you could probably set the HPF @ 20-25 hz, but I'd put a BW24 filter on them at the very least...I would also let the DRPA be the system controller for Hi and subs...
I have a pair of Infinity RSII, a pair of LSI (can't remember
Those Infinity RSII are really nice and I have wanted to hear those Sunfire True Subs, I've heard they are really nice. Of course my dream sub is a Velodyne 1812, man it looks like a monster! The HPM 150s are a great speaker too, sounds like a really nice setup.
I'm not sure how to do a BW24 filter and will look that up. What exactly does it do?
In the past my DRPA always did club duty and with JBL towers / Subs and it's been a cool and interesting test using it for a home setup. So far I'm really happy.
18hz (+-3dB) that means it reproduces down to 7-8 hz audibly.. excuse me.. nothin audible about that.. but EVERY single loose joint in the furniture, the windows, floors and anything else loose will rattle and fart and
Yes the combination in my 'cinema' living room is ..enjoyable 8)
Danley makes a kit that goes all the way to 12-15hz as well ... ts-10_kit/
and some others
The HPF specified is a very steep shelf that protects the subwoofer from over excrusion and is available on the DRPA as a crossover slope.. we usually spec the 3dB down point with an 18dB BW (Butterworth) filter...