dBX 1074 Quad Noise gate
Now thanks to this forum I have my PX Drive Rack sorted, I am looking into getting a dBX 1074 quad noise gate. Does any one have any any comments, thoughts or tips about the 1074?
Well, don't have the dbx units...Mostly Furhman... and some Symtrix units... the thing is you want to get full featured gates.. I hate to say it but I got rid of the analog stuff and got Presonus 16.4.2 and my world exploded...the problem back then was interfacing (connecting the outboard EQU... and the problems that are possible there...
Can't see ever going analog again... unless i HAVE to...
That is another option I can look at.
My Son used to work in a Music shop and used to hire gear off of the owner and I woudl mix. We awere able to try a lot of gear out but never Furman as the store was a dBx Agency.
Then I went to the Presonus Studio live boards:
In the rack pack is 2 efx a driverack and an Alesis D4...The computer is set up for multitrack recording and remote control of the entire system via IpadThe computer also has all the break music on it and can be played back via the firewire connection...
The Furman is the first unit up from the power supply for the mixer in the top photo...In the bottom photo, the laptop and Ipad are all that are necessary for operations now...
I am still on stage behind the kit and recenty became a grand father to 4 and enjoy week ends off with them. Now if I stop drumming I could concentrate on mixing (long term plan) and justify the costs.
and Mr. Dra...
As much as I love analog there are advantages to digital. Recallible presets, that is a huge advantage if you are doing sound for the same band and you play alot of the same rooms, you can just recall the setting for that room. That is huge. Plus with the advent of SMAART in the Presonus, you cannot go wrong. I will always say that the Presonus sounds better then Yamaha, and Berhinger digital.
Right now Im using an Allen and Heath GL 2200 at my house gig, a Soundcraft Sprit Live 8 at one church the Berhinger digital at another church and the Presonus SL 24.4.2 at another house gig that I do every so often and for my band we are using my Berhinger analog desk.
So far the best sounding desks are the Soundcraft is the best, then Presonus, then the GL 2200 as long as you dont push the gains on the channels to hard, then the Berhinger diigal and then the Berhinger analog. I still need to rent the Avid SC 48 for a show some time and see how I like it, Ive always wanted to use one and see what its like. Before I do that though, Im going to do alot of reading up on it and watch as many videos as I can so I can get the most out of it when I finaly do rent one
Unfortunately, Furman apparently no longer does audio path stuff according to my dealer sheet.
And from the "Gee, That's Kind Of Weird" department: I think I have the exact same laptop. Is that about a 2005 Compaq Presario 2000 (or somesuch), AMD 64-bit processor?
As for the Effectron.. awesome old delay.. one of my favorites of all time.. the old bucket brigade delay..priceless.. and I still have it and it still works!