ELX115/118P set-up
I have spent hours reading through the "start here" & FAQ sections and have found the information there very useful, but somewhat overwhelming at times. I have tried implimenting the things I have read for my rackdrive PA+ set-up but still do not believe I have it "dialed-in"
Tops sound more "tinny" with the driverack installed.
There is not much information here on the live-x series (passive) that I have found. This is what I have:
(2)ELX115 tops
(2)ELX118P Subs
QSR PLX-3602 driving tops
Rackdrive PA+
I've gone through the set-up wizard but since there are no factory pre-sets for these speakers, I'm getting hung up in the custom x-over settings & auto-eq sections. Thanks in advance for the help!
I have spent hours reading through the "start here" & FAQ sections and have found the information there very useful, but somewhat overwhelming at times. I have tried implimenting the things I have read for my rackdrive PA+ set-up but still do not believe I have it "dialed-in"
Tops sound more "tinny" with the driverack installed.
There is not much information here on the live-x series (passive) that I have found. This is what I have:
(2)ELX115 tops
(2)ELX118P Subs
QSR PLX-3602 driving tops
Rackdrive PA+
I've gone through the set-up wizard but since there are no factory pre-sets for these speakers, I'm getting hung up in the custom x-over settings & auto-eq sections. Thanks in advance for the help!
The sub will set it's own HPF, but you would be wise to go ahead and put a fail-safe at say 25 or 30 hz.
30hz BW18
100hz LR24
100hz LR24
I will say that the "tinny" sound would not come from the x-over point, unless the sub has a built filter at say 150hz and you had the filter for the tops set at say 300-500hz.
Do you have means to run a sweep?
Thanks for the info. I didn't have the means for a sweep so I did a hard reset and everything in sounding great. Not sure what was going on but I'm good now, thanks for the help!