Subwoofer addition - Need help with hookup and placement
I'm currently adding a subwoofer to our bands setup. I am using the Driverack PA+ with JBL PRX 635's on top and a PRX 618S-XLF sub. I have configured the driverack for a mono sub and stereo tops. I'm using the LO left mono out to the sub and the HI left/right jacks to the tops. I noticed this sub has stereo ins with none labeled for mono applications. I'm concerned I'm only using half power since it has 2x500 watt amps. Do I need to setup the drive rack for a stereo sub and run 2 cables to the sub. I definatly want to use the Driveracks crossover. Any recommendations on hookup and also subwoofer placement since there is only one.
Thanks so much
Thanks so much
Centered in front of the stage will give the most even coverage and the least delay issues with the tops.
Thanks again