What can I do to get a hotter input sensitivity on DRPA?
Here's my problem, when I use the wizard to set my amp's sensitivity settings (1.7v), I have to run my outputs way hot (IMO) to get the levels I need. This is causing me to run the board way too hot (near clipping) and double bussing to get a hot enough output. I'm already running the low out (Running 3 way mono) +6 and it's still too low. Any ideas? I've tried running the gain structure with pink noise and although my structure looks good (All paths clip at same time), I'm still running the board way too hot with the band and I know I've got enough power amps. Can I change the amp's sensitivity in the DRPA and will that work and if so what setting do you recommend?
It's set correctly. I'm using an A&H GL series console with an Ashley GQX FOH EQ. Plenty of gain out of the comsole, just not enough gain out of the DRPA. I can clip the input of the DRPA and not the outs.
See what happens then...
Been there, done that, still not enough output to "hit" the amps without insanely amounts of output gain without driving the mixer to near clip.