NEW DRIVERACK PLUS settings w/all YAMAHA system
Hi there,
Love my new DRplus, but need some set up help (don't we all)... anyhow, I have everything ready to go per the quick set up guide with regards to installation/conections. But need to know what setting to use, I do not have the RTA mic...
My mixer is a CARVIN C1644P (I use the on bard amps for 4 independent monitor sends)
My mains are 2 - YAMAHA S115IV's clubs powered by a YAMAHA CP2000 in stereo
My subs are 2 - YAMAHA SW118V's powered by a YAMAHA P3500S in stereo
Other than the DRplus nothing else is in the signal path.
The S115IV's are in the DRplus database, the Sw118V's are not...
Both amps have the YAMAHA EEE engines, specifically the P3500S has the built in YAMAHA cross over technologies allowing you to use it specifically as a SUB woofer amp. On both amps I have this feature turned off and am using both in stereo mode.
What data base sub woofer preset should I use?
Should I choose a custom setting and EQ them accordingly (remember I don't have the RTA)
Should I engage the EEE Engines on one or both AMPS, or at all?
Sure could use some help to maximize this system, thoughts recommendations?
Love my new DRplus, but need some set up help (don't we all)... anyhow, I have everything ready to go per the quick set up guide with regards to installation/conections. But need to know what setting to use, I do not have the RTA mic...
My mixer is a CARVIN C1644P (I use the on bard amps for 4 independent monitor sends)
My mains are 2 - YAMAHA S115IV's clubs powered by a YAMAHA CP2000 in stereo
My subs are 2 - YAMAHA SW118V's powered by a YAMAHA P3500S in stereo
Other than the DRplus nothing else is in the signal path.
The S115IV's are in the DRplus database, the Sw118V's are not...
Both amps have the YAMAHA EEE engines, specifically the P3500S has the built in YAMAHA cross over technologies allowing you to use it specifically as a SUB woofer amp. On both amps I have this feature turned off and am using both in stereo mode.
What data base sub woofer preset should I use?
Should I choose a custom setting and EQ them accordingly (remember I don't have the RTA)
Should I engage the EEE Engines on one or both AMPS, or at all?
Sure could use some help to maximize this system, thoughts recommendations?
Hey all the info you need has been right here all along...The Start Here thread has lots of good info and the FAQ section has many threads all associated with getting the most out of your system...
you might particularly like this thread....
Try those things and see if they don't help.. and come back with any additional questions...
The info you provided is great, however I am not that advanced to utilize that much info just yet.
Select your top speakers in the wizard (or custom is JUST AS GOOD). The DRPA+ will simply throw a generic x-over point on, but you should change it (recommendations below).
Select your sub as custom.
Select your amps as custom.
X-over setttings:
tops - 100hz LR24
Subs - 50hz BW18 / 100hz LR24
(you might try 45hz, but those subs might not handle it well)
Send pink noise into a channel on the mixer. Adjust the input gain to where the channel is just below clip. Bring the channel fader up to -0-. (NO speakers should be plugged in for any of this by the way.) Bring the masters up till you are bump red on the meters. Depending on the number of RED LEDs you have on your mixer, there can be some variations on where you apply your "max output" point, or your "Don't go passed here for any reason!" point. Once that is determined, turn up the amps until they indicate clip and turn back 1 click (or 2 to be more safe). Balance outputs by turning DOWN the amp of the louder speaker.
Now at least I have a good starting point to tweak from.
You are a stud! thanks again...
If you think of anything in addition to the notes you have provided please feel free,
thanks man!