Several FAQ Topics have Broken Links
Hi there,
Great information on this site! I really thank all those, especially gadget for putting so much useful info here. I noticed that some of the links were broken in the FAQ - particularly the viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1202 test CD one. Is there a new link for it or another test CD to recommend?
Great information on this site! I really thank all those, especially gadget for putting so much useful info here. I noticed that some of the links were broken in the FAQ - particularly the viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1202 test CD one. Is there a new link for it or another test CD to recommend?
Any new links for this?
Yes, the Binks test CD link has been dead for some time.
The bad thing about links is that you are at the mercy of owner to keep it available.
Seems as if this link is the generic "if it ain't a good page go here" page.