Dynacord XA2 x-over setting
Hy!I use Dynacord XA2 system but with no original drivers inside.In mid-hi box I have JBL 2206H 12" 600w driver with passive x-over for twiter and in subs there are RCF L18P3000 1000w AES drivers.Amps for mid-hi are 2X EV CP2200 in bridge mode 8ohm on half power,one for each FX12.For subs is PEAVY CS4000HZ on 4ohm because it is four FX20 subs in system.In original system recomended x-over frequency is 140Hz 18dB/oct BW for FX12 and FX20.Would I use that settings for my system or someone have better advise?I have DriveRack PX.Thanx!