Which DR for passive MRX515's and active PRX715's in one sys
I noticed there is a new Px product for active speakers. However my main system is driven by 2x JBL MRX515's. I have recently added 1x JBL PRX715 speakers to augment sound at a second location outside the main venue such as a terrace.
I am looking for the best DriveRack for this system:
Furman PL-8II Power Conditioner
Denon DN-HD 2500 MP3 Controller
Denon DN-X900 Mixer
QSC PLX 2502 Amp
QTY (2) - JBL MRX515 Speakers
QTY(1) JBL PRX715 - I'm sending the audio signal wirelessly from the mixer to the PRX715 using a Shure ULX body pack with a Shure WA310 Microphone Adapter Cable TA4F to XLR(F) connected to the mixer via the Hosa YXM121 XLR Female To Dual XLR Male Y Cable. The audio is being received by the Shure ULXS4 receiver attached to the PRX715. The sound is as loud sent wirelessly as it is directly connected to the mixer with an XLR cable. In fact it gets less hum when the speaker is at rest this way.
I also own a second Denon DN-HD 2500 MP3 Controller & Denon DN-X900 Mixer powered by a Furman PL-8C Power Conditioner that will occasionally be used on its own with the PRX715 when two separate systems are required.
So the big question is which DriveRack system is right for this scenario? Can I use just one or do I need two when running just one system with 3 speakers? I will eventually get another PRX715 when the need arises to total 4 speakers (2 active, 2 passive). Or should I run two DriveRack products when running 3 speakers from one system (doesn't sound like it)? If so how do I set this up?
Finally, where can I get confirmation that the PRX715 has been added to the library of whichever unit I will purchase? I downloaded the tuning PDFs from the main site for each product but they appeared to be out of date(PRX600 series there, not 700).
I am looking for the best DriveRack for this system:
Furman PL-8II Power Conditioner
Denon DN-HD 2500 MP3 Controller
Denon DN-X900 Mixer
QSC PLX 2502 Amp
QTY (2) - JBL MRX515 Speakers
QTY(1) JBL PRX715 - I'm sending the audio signal wirelessly from the mixer to the PRX715 using a Shure ULX body pack with a Shure WA310 Microphone Adapter Cable TA4F to XLR(F) connected to the mixer via the Hosa YXM121 XLR Female To Dual XLR Male Y Cable. The audio is being received by the Shure ULXS4 receiver attached to the PRX715. The sound is as loud sent wirelessly as it is directly connected to the mixer with an XLR cable. In fact it gets less hum when the speaker is at rest this way.
I also own a second Denon DN-HD 2500 MP3 Controller & Denon DN-X900 Mixer powered by a Furman PL-8C Power Conditioner that will occasionally be used on its own with the PRX715 when two separate systems are required.
So the big question is which DriveRack system is right for this scenario? Can I use just one or do I need two when running just one system with 3 speakers? I will eventually get another PRX715 when the need arises to total 4 speakers (2 active, 2 passive). Or should I run two DriveRack products when running 3 speakers from one system (doesn't sound like it)? If so how do I set this up?
Finally, where can I get confirmation that the PRX715 has been added to the library of whichever unit I will purchase? I downloaded the tuning PDFs from the main site for each product but they appeared to be out of date(PRX600 series there, not 700).
Can the main system be heard at remote location?
How far will the remote location be from the main system (min & max)?
Do you want / need the ability to control the volumes individually from the mix position?
NOTE: Whether or not your speakers are in the "list" makes ZERO difference to any DriveRack.
1) Main system is run in mono. We could run it in stereo but in general there isn't a need to do this at the events I cover (weddings, parties, corporate events, walkathons, etc.).
2) Depends on the venue. At large events the system cannot generally be heard at the remote location. Typically we are talking about placing the PRX715 outside the venue for cocktails and appetizers and the main system is in the ballroom. This isn't always the case in smaller venues i.e. beach weddings where it's just some surf shack with main system inside and PRX715 is on the deck right outside the door.
3) Remote location varies from 10 feet to maximum range of wireless mic system ~ 300 ft in an outdoor or clear Line Of Sight setting. Typical indoor/outdoor maximum range will be closer to 100 ft due to walls,etc.
4) No. The ULXS4 has a volume control that can be used in place of the mixer volume. The plan is to match the output of the speaker volumes in both locations using the gain/volume control on the mixer and the volume setting of the ULXS4 and gain on the PRX715 (testing shows that gain on the PRX715 needs to be set to MAX to get comparable volume levels with corded setup).
Understood about the speakers in the list. Just wondering if/when they will be updated and if there is a central repository for this information other than the out of date tuning list PDFs on the product pages.
Total noob question: what are the capability differences between the PA, PA+ and PA2? Why wouldn't i just pick the PA+ and save $200 over the PA2? And am I correct in stating PA2>PA+>PA?
I looked at their comparison page which doesn't really differentiate the products at all.
From what I have been told the PA+ has a greatly improved Auto-EQ over the PA. The PA2 has the same or better auto-EQ, but adds multiple location (mic) passes for an averaged room response. The PA2 also adds tablet (ipad, etc) remote control. It may (but not sure) have added GUI control as well.