If you have a laptop simply download the file to the laptop then use the laptop to transfer via the WIFI or Network port...I typically save these on my desktop to make them easy to transfer and find...
The system is pretty amazing. There is new firmware. I can't find anywhere where you can just download the firmware installer without first being connected to both the PA2 and the controlling device on the internet. That was more or less my question - whether or not there was a separate download we could use. The manual says so, but I don't think it's actually true right now.
I couldn't get my windows 7 computer to recognize it or update it through USB. I had to plug into router & go that way. Updated it quickly.... was hoping for an improved list of speakers but no such luck. They had some cloud update in the speaker list & still nothing new that I needed, no problem.
If you have experienced problems updating the firmware directly from the latest version of the PA2 Control App, please try installing and running the standalone version of the PA2 Firmware Updater v1.1.9 found at the following link. http://dbxpro.com/en-US/softwares/pa2-f ... er-windows
Thanks, Dra. I sent it along.
I'll update it before I install it if theres been some new firmware lately
http://dbxpro.com/en-US/softwares/pa2-f ... er-windows