Mono out on a PA+ or PA2?
I'm trying to reconfigure my main PA rack with 3 amps into a smaller rack for small gig's, especially when there are stairs involved. So mains and monitors, no sub.To do this I am trying to go mixer L/R into the PA+ inputs. Then from PA+ into a single amp with A and B side. I have the amp setup as dual mono. I'd like to have one amp output in mono drive the mains (daisy chained), and the other amp output mono to a few daisy chained monitors. BUT, I get stereo across the mains and monitors. I've tried stereo and mono inputs via setup, but don't see a way to set the output to mono. Any suggestions???
Can you chart it something like...
Output 1 (mains) > DRPA+ L > amp 1 (stereo) side A > mains speakers.
Output 2 (monitors) > DRPA+ R > amp (mono) side A & B > monitors.
Output L (mains) > DRPA+ L > amp 1 (Mono) side A > mains speakers daisy chained.
Output R (monitors) > DRPA+ R > amp (mono) side B > monitors.
When I play music thru it, the mains are a stereo left, the monitors stereo right. I believe it's because the mixer is sending a stereo L/R signal.
My work around was to use the Low PA+ (mono) output for one signal chain, and an aux sends from the mixer for the other. Seems to work fine, I just wondered if you could config the High PA+ outputs to mono instead of stereo.
Anyway, I just got PA2 and have a digital mixer due tomorrow, so everything is un-racked so I can't try anything different at the moment.
What mixer are you using?