Speaker Tuning Using Studiolive
Newbie... but old man! 1st time working with DR. 1st post
Sorry for the long post but wanted to include as much info as possible.
mid/hi cabs = custom made 1 15" Eminence Omega Pro 15A
http://www.eminence.com/speakers/speake ... ga_Pro_15A
1 Radian 651 PB- 16 compression driver on a B&C ME60 CD horn
Subs = Custom made 2 - 18" Eminence Kilomax Pro 18A
http://www.eminence.com/speakers/speake ... ax_Pro_18A
Hi - Behringer EP2500 (one channel, compression drivers in parallel for an 8 ohm total load)
Mid - Crown MT2400 Bridged, speakers in parallel for a 4 ohm total load
Subs - Crown MT3600 two channel, 4 ohm load on each
Studiolive 24.4.2 AI
When we bought the mid cabs they were passively crossed over. I removed the passive croosover unit and am going to bi-amp. My question deals with tuning the "home-made" cabs.
Here's what I have so far, based on my readings here:
Hi's crossed at 1.782 LR24
Mid's Hi pass at 99.2 LR24
Mid's Low Pass at 1.682 LR24
Subs Hi Pass at 45.5 BW18
Subs Low pass at 96.4 LR24
I have a PEQ boost of 3.5 db at 1.68K Q5 crossover region as well as a 6 db per octave boost starting at 4.12K for CD eq.
My 1st question is do the above numbers seem reasonable as a starting point since these cabs are custom?
Secondly, I want to use the PEQ's in the DR to tune each component and here's my thoughts.
After using the gain structure approach published here, I plan on using the Smaart analysis included with the Studiolive UC software to run pink noise (outdoors) through the mids and use the PEQs in the DR260 to flatten, especially the mid driver which I think has a lot around 400hz, then do the low and highs. I would adjust the PEQ's using the GUI. Once that is accomplished I would balance the hi's, mids and lows by ear (or by the white paper published my Rane (RaneNote 135 written 1997; last revised 4/05) then run the DR auto eq. again outdoors to eq the entire system. For gigs I would probably shoot the room with the Smaart tool time allowing.
Am I overthinking this?
Thanks for any insight you provide.
Sorry for the long post but wanted to include as much info as possible.
mid/hi cabs = custom made 1 15" Eminence Omega Pro 15A
http://www.eminence.com/speakers/speake ... ga_Pro_15A
1 Radian 651 PB- 16 compression driver on a B&C ME60 CD horn
Subs = Custom made 2 - 18" Eminence Kilomax Pro 18A
http://www.eminence.com/speakers/speake ... ax_Pro_18A
Hi - Behringer EP2500 (one channel, compression drivers in parallel for an 8 ohm total load)
Mid - Crown MT2400 Bridged, speakers in parallel for a 4 ohm total load
Subs - Crown MT3600 two channel, 4 ohm load on each
Studiolive 24.4.2 AI
When we bought the mid cabs they were passively crossed over. I removed the passive croosover unit and am going to bi-amp. My question deals with tuning the "home-made" cabs.
Here's what I have so far, based on my readings here:
Hi's crossed at 1.782 LR24
Mid's Hi pass at 99.2 LR24
Mid's Low Pass at 1.682 LR24
Subs Hi Pass at 45.5 BW18
Subs Low pass at 96.4 LR24
I have a PEQ boost of 3.5 db at 1.68K Q5 crossover region as well as a 6 db per octave boost starting at 4.12K for CD eq.
My 1st question is do the above numbers seem reasonable as a starting point since these cabs are custom?
Secondly, I want to use the PEQ's in the DR to tune each component and here's my thoughts.
After using the gain structure approach published here, I plan on using the Smaart analysis included with the Studiolive UC software to run pink noise (outdoors) through the mids and use the PEQs in the DR260 to flatten, especially the mid driver which I think has a lot around 400hz, then do the low and highs. I would adjust the PEQ's using the GUI. Once that is accomplished I would balance the hi's, mids and lows by ear (or by the white paper published my Rane (RaneNote 135 written 1997; last revised 4/05) then run the DR auto eq. again outdoors to eq the entire system. For gigs I would probably shoot the room with the Smaart tool time allowing.
Am I overthinking this?
Thanks for any insight you provide.
The 15 will be happier not going as high as well, but again without the 2" specs.....
Sub range looks good.
Remember that (when near the x-over points) an over-lap can add boost and a separation can cut. This might save a PEQ filter for another fix. Trial and error here.
I assume for your final Auto-EQ pass you would use the GEQ data to adjust your PEQ's one last time and lock those in permanently.
Doesn't the SL also have EQ on the outputs? IF so, you would have 4 PEQs on each band and 9 PEQs on the system from the DR260. That leaves the SL's EQ for "room" adjustment.
Thanks for the reply. Here's the specs. on the horn driver. You are correct. 1.7kHz too high. I will start at 1.2kHz for the crossover point. Would you recommend I change the slope also?
FREQUENCY RESPONSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Hz – 20 kHz
MAXIMUM POWER HANDLING* . . . . . . . . . . 50 watts RMS
100 watts program
SENSITIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 dB, one watt
at one meter at one meter at one meter
RECOMMENDED CROSSOVER. . . . . . . 500 Hz, 24 dB/octave
1200 Hz, 12 dB/octave
NOMINAL IMPEDANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 or 16 ohms
D.C. RESISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 or 12.4 ohms (±10%)
VOICE COIL DIAMETER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0� (76.2mm)
THROAT DIAMETER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0� (50.8mm)
VOICE COIL MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . Edgewound copper-
aluminum clad
DIAPHRAGM MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . 0.002� (0.05mm) heattreated
aluminum alloy
DIAPHRAGM SUSPENSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mylar®
MAGNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.6 oz. (1.41 kg) Ferrite V
FLUX DENSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,400 gauss
INPUT CONNECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goldplated push button terminals
MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four 1/4-20 studs on 4.0� (101.6mm) centers
DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50� (165.1mm) diameter, deep less studs
WEIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0 lbs.
I did more tinkering last night. Next step will be to play some music and balance the lows/mids/hi's. I was glad to see Gadget's recommendation to use Steely Dan, I always use "Cousin Dupree" for initial eval at a gig.
But I digress.... In the analog world I would use the output level controls on the crossover to balance each set of drivers accordingly. My reading here tells me to use the amp input level attenuators to adjust balance while never going above the max level set during the gain structure process. Is that correct?
Can the output level be changed on the 260? Couldn't find it in the GUI but haven't looked at the main display yet.
Output can be adjusted by the x-over gains, instead of the amp gains. The only problem there is the "knee & slope" will alter the x-over region, if one band in reduce and not the other.