Proper Use of AFS224 for Portable System
Hi. I help run sound for a church without a building. Each week we setup and tear down our service in a YMCA gym. Here's our system:
Mackie 1642 VLZ3 (mono out to channel 1 of DBX AFS 224 // aux 1 send to channel 2 of DBX AFS 224)
DBX AFS 224 (channel 1 out to 2 Electro-Voice ELX 112p + 2 Electro-Voice ELX 118p // channel 2 out to channel 1 QSC RMX 1450 Amp)
QSC RMX 1450 (channel 1 out to 2 EV SV100+ used as monitor wedges).
Soon, we're going to replace the QSC Amp and SV100s with in-ear monitors. They be run out of the boards aux sends, through a DBX 166xs mainly used as a peak limiter, into an on-stage headphone amp (ALTO HPA-6).
Here's the deal. Recently, we've been having problems with feedback from the wedges - going to in-ears should helps since we'll eliminate them. But I'm also curious as to whether we're using the AFS224 correctly. I didn't buy it, don't know much about it, it's just been in the rack and powered up with everything else. I've read the manual and somewhat understand it's usage when it's installed in a venue and continually used there, but that's not the case for us. For the most part, things are the same (it's the same gym), but the speaker locations might move slightly and the mics and monitors are definitely repositioned from week-to-week.
What would be the proper procedure for us to use the AFS224 in this kind of environment? Thanks!
Mackie 1642 VLZ3 (mono out to channel 1 of DBX AFS 224 // aux 1 send to channel 2 of DBX AFS 224)
DBX AFS 224 (channel 1 out to 2 Electro-Voice ELX 112p + 2 Electro-Voice ELX 118p // channel 2 out to channel 1 QSC RMX 1450 Amp)
QSC RMX 1450 (channel 1 out to 2 EV SV100+ used as monitor wedges).
Soon, we're going to replace the QSC Amp and SV100s with in-ear monitors. They be run out of the boards aux sends, through a DBX 166xs mainly used as a peak limiter, into an on-stage headphone amp (ALTO HPA-6).
Here's the deal. Recently, we've been having problems with feedback from the wedges - going to in-ears should helps since we'll eliminate them. But I'm also curious as to whether we're using the AFS224 correctly. I didn't buy it, don't know much about it, it's just been in the rack and powered up with everything else. I've read the manual and somewhat understand it's usage when it's installed in a venue and continually used there, but that's not the case for us. For the most part, things are the same (it's the same gym), but the speaker locations might move slightly and the mics and monitors are definitely repositioned from week-to-week.
What would be the proper procedure for us to use the AFS224 in this kind of environment? Thanks!
Might find something of use there.
First, I've got a really simple question: Do we need to run the setup up every time it's power cycled or will it carry over settings from week-to-week?
Second, I've read that the AFS224 is somewhat dated technology. Would there be something more useful for our setup - especially in light of the fact that the people who run the board lack even more experience than I do?
#1 - Yes the AFS will keep the fixed filters in memory until you clear them. The main thing to remember is that the unit HAS to be in LIVE mode for the LIVE filters to work. If not they just sit there idol.
For the best results, week to week, draw up a floor lay out and make sure that your set-up is as close to the same every time. Measure with a tape measure and note down the dimensions. The main considerations should be the distance from the wall behind the stage area to the monitors, the distance of the mics to the wall and monitors, and the location and angle of the monitors. Monitors squared to the wall will do a bounce from the wall to the ceiling and back to the mic. Whereas an angled monitor will bounce off the wall (at an angle) to the ceiling (at an angle). Each bounce carries it farther from the mic, and that is good.
Your answer for #1 is a huge help. And, if I'm understanding you correctly: assuming that we get each week's layout as close as possible to the initial setup of the AFS224 (and I recognize that this itself is a huge assumption), we should just be able to power it up and make sure it's in live mode.
I understand that it would probably be best to redo the AFS224 initial setup process every week, but some weeks that just isn't possible.
Could would do this all with PA+ or PA2?
To answer you question, nothing really. The ELX112p has a built crossover for when it's paired with a sub, but I'm pretty that just cuts lows out.
Thanks for putting up with all the questions and my ignorance - at least I don't want to remain ignorant.