An old audiophile without a clue as to PA systems, trying to assist a non-profit organization's director (also clueless) who needs system for multi use (live music, film nights, dj dance, etc). Live music will include jazz, blues, gospel and other sacred music. If they can find one, a volunteer sound person will operate (no, I turned that position down!). Worked hard to get the following with a limited budget:
Crown xls 2500 driving a pair of (ok, Gadget, I've read your comments about these :oops: -->) JBL JRX225. Samson XP112A powered (pair) for monitors (or occasional use a primary speaker in smaller room). Mackie ProFx 16/4; DBX PA2. Samson Q7VP mic pkg; Pro-Co 16/4 stage series snake; mic (all pro-co) speaker w/speakon connectors (Hosa) cables and other interconnects.
My questions (initial) are (the components are on the way):
1. What type of interconnect does one require between the Mackie and the DBX PA2? I "think" a pair of XLRF-XLRM, but am not sure (any more).
2. CAN the DBX PA2 (FOH) connect to (2) "line in" of the Crown amp by way of the 16/4 snake? If so, then connect from snake to amp via run of XLRs?
3. Do I need to control the monitors from the FOH, or can the musicians make their own levels, etc.?
Ok, it works best for me to get info in little bites (is that the same as "sound bytes"?), so will stop here.
Thank you so very much for reading, and I hope, replying to some very basic questions. Please use non-techno language to reply. I'm nearly a luddite!
Crown xls 2500 driving a pair of (ok, Gadget, I've read your comments about these :oops: -->) JBL JRX225. Samson XP112A powered (pair) for monitors (or occasional use a primary speaker in smaller room). Mackie ProFx 16/4; DBX PA2. Samson Q7VP mic pkg; Pro-Co 16/4 stage series snake; mic (all pro-co) speaker w/speakon connectors (Hosa) cables and other interconnects.
My questions (initial) are (the components are on the way):
1. What type of interconnect does one require between the Mackie and the DBX PA2? I "think" a pair of XLRF-XLRM, but am not sure (any more).
2. CAN the DBX PA2 (FOH) connect to (2) "line in" of the Crown amp by way of the 16/4 snake? If so, then connect from snake to amp via run of XLRs?
3. Do I need to control the monitors from the FOH, or can the musicians make their own levels, etc.?
Ok, it works best for me to get info in little bites (is that the same as "sound bytes"?), so will stop here.
Thank you so very much for reading, and I hope, replying to some very basic questions. Please use non-techno language to reply. I'm nearly a luddite!
#2 - You can place the DRPA2 before or after the snake, before the amps. The advantage to before is the DRPA2 will bill at the mixer.
#3 - Depends on what you what to do. I would want control.
Thank you DRa. I would think that the control would be the best idea, too re #3.
#2 - I'm embarrassed to say that I'm not sure what you mean by "before" the snake. What would be the configuration? I am totally confused as to what would be connected to what at this point. I was kind of running with the DBX diagram in the training in my mind, but that illustration does not show a snake, and I assumed that the snake would attach to mixer, then the mixer to the PA2, PA2 to speakers.
My other not too bright question is: Can the JBL mains connect to the snake by way of XLRs, or do they have to run outside of the snake to the mixer or PA2?
I keep getting glimpses of light, but then another question pops up ...
Option #2: mixer outputs > snake > XLR cables > DRPA2 > XLR cables > amps > speakers.
The snake's input channel connectors (fan end) plug into the mixer directly in both options. The only difference is whether you patch the DRPA2 on the fan end or the box end.
Snakes input channels will be numbered 1-16. The outputs will be lettered A-D. Use A & B for mains connection, and either C or D for you monitors.
In your set-up, the only thing not connected to the snake are the speaker cables.
Hope that helps.