Powered Tops with Passive Bottoms DR Set Up
I'm purchasing 2 powered JBL PRX712's for mains and using 2 JBL SRX718's as bottoms with a Crown xti4002 bridged. How do I set up my DR PA+ with these speakers? Using this setup for smaller venues and going to my 2 JBL SRX 725's for large venue. Please advise.
I am basing that on the 712 having +2db peak output or the 512.
L= 30.0 Hz BW24 -18.0dB I click Next PG> then shows: L =80.0 Hz 24 LR
A few things to try:
1 - If the driverack is going to cut the subs that much, don't bridge the amp. The amp will run better un-bridged anyway. Set the amp to parallel and run one sub per side. Re-configure the Wizard to reflect the sub amp change.
2 - Move the x-over point up 10hz, but leave the gap. So 80 moves to 90, and 90 moves to 100. See how that sounds.
3 - Compare to these changes. Both points to 90hz, then both points to 100hz.
4 - Go with the one that sounds best to you.
5 - Raise the subs LPF to 35hz... compare, then raise to 40hz... compare. Go with the cleanest.
PS - Be sure to let me know how it goes and what you ended up with.