Help Needed - Which model should I get?
Hey there,
I need some advise with my PA setup.
I'm running a simple set up here for a cover band that plays small and mid-sized bars & venues.
I'd like to add some feedback suppression, compression and EQ to the vocals.
I've been looking at the Driverack as the tool to use, but hope it's not more than I need. I don't need the crossover options for my mains.
I'm also interested in getting Feedback Suppression for the monitors as well. Not sure if I need a separate unit for this, or I can integrate it effectively with a Driverack (ex:high ours mains, mid outs for monitor).
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yamaha EMX 5000 1000w Powered Mixer (new to my setup)
2, JBL EON 1500s (225w, 900w Peak)
Phonic MAX 1600 (280W @ 8 ohms EIA, 1kHz) (previous used for mains)
2, Kustom PA KSE 10MLs (75W,150 Peak)
Power: Furman M-8Dx
I also have two more power amps:
Crown XLS 402
American Audio VLP300 (previously used for monitors)
Mics: 2 Sennheiser e835, 1 Shure Sm58
Thanks for the help!
I need some advise with my PA setup.
I'm running a simple set up here for a cover band that plays small and mid-sized bars & venues.
I'd like to add some feedback suppression, compression and EQ to the vocals.
I've been looking at the Driverack as the tool to use, but hope it's not more than I need. I don't need the crossover options for my mains.
I'm also interested in getting Feedback Suppression for the monitors as well. Not sure if I need a separate unit for this, or I can integrate it effectively with a Driverack (ex:high ours mains, mid outs for monitor).
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yamaha EMX 5000 1000w Powered Mixer (new to my setup)
2, JBL EON 1500s (225w, 900w Peak)
Phonic MAX 1600 (280W @ 8 ohms EIA, 1kHz) (previous used for mains)
2, Kustom PA KSE 10MLs (75W,150 Peak)
Power: Furman M-8Dx
I also have two more power amps:
Crown XLS 402
American Audio VLP300 (previously used for monitors)
Mics: 2 Sennheiser e835, 1 Shure Sm58
Thanks for the help!
Follow up questions:
Let's take the monitor mix out of the equation.
I could buy a separate feedback suppression unit for that, since that is my main concern for that part of the setup.
The priority for the DR's features are for the lead vocals above anything else.
Backup vocals are used 25%-50% of the time and the 3rd mic is there for any needed gang vocals. Our singer is amazing and my focus is on his performance sounding the best as possible with the gear we have on hand.
In that setup, which DR work for one/two vocal channels going to the mains? A normal DRPA? I also may not be using a tablet live, so the PA+ may not be needed if I have to use the app for control it. I should note that the 360 is out of my price range.
Thank you,
The original DRPA and the DRPA+ would allow:
-28 band GEQ for each of 2 channels
-HPF for each of 2 channels (special config required using High left and Low right outputs)
-Limiting (no make up gain like compression) for each of 2 channels (again special config required using High left and Low right outputs)
-PEQ for general sound tailoring for each of 2 channels (again special config required using High left and Low right outputs)
-Compression is shared for between 2 channels (if one singer shouts and is compressed, the back-up mic is also compressed)
-AFS (feedback) is shared also so that if lead singer's mic feeds back, the notched filter will also be notch on the back-up mic)
In the spring I sold 2 DRPAs and an AFS224 on Ebay to fund buying a Venu360. I used one of the DRPAs just like you intend to, as a vocal processor. The only difference was I used it on a pair of podium / lectern mics, so it didn't matter about the summed AFS. The other one was used for a wireless mic that I wanted all the mentioned features for. I have a 3rd DRPA still in inventory that I plan on not using. I moved my DR260 into the role of channel inserts. It has true 2 channel capabilities. I digress. I would be willing to sell the 3rd DRPA, if you are interested.
It seems that that is the model I need for my needs. I don't mind if the compressions and feedback suppression effects the back up vocals.
Would you recommend a feedback suppressor or large band EQ for the monitors?
Can you send me a private message with info?
Thank you!