Crossovers, Speaker Tunings, Amplifier settings
I'm currently setting up a new DR VENU360 for my PA system. Stereo Mains(Community SLS960's and occasionally SLS920's) and Mono Subs (4 JBL STX828s boxes). Tops are powered by a QSC PL380 run in Stereo 2 boxes per side. Subs are each powered by a single bridged QSC PL340. There are no settings for either of these amps. How might I give the DRV360 some useful parameters? Also, I have found the tunings for the Community Speakers. On both the tops and subs is it necessary for me to repeat the Shelving at the crossover point? Must I shelve in both the PEQ (tuning) and the crossover section or will the crossover section be sufficient? Thanks in advance, judeacoustic
The 380 in stereo / 4 ohms = either amp in stereo / 4 ohms.
The 340 bridged / 4 ohms - either amp bridged / 4 ohms.
The wattages of the amps aren't exact, but are pretty close, and the difference tops to subs, is also pretty proportional.
All you have to do is look them up and compare. Here, I will show you.
380 / 4 ohms stereo = 2500w
I-Tech / 4 ohms stereo = 2500w
Macro-tech / 4 ohm stereo = 2500w
340 / 4ohms bridged = 4000w
I-Tech / 4 ohms bridged = 4000w
Macro-tech / 4 ohm bridged = 4000w
The x-over filters are the shelves. Do not re-filter them in the PEQ. The PEQ shelves are when running full range. You are not.