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Preset Questions

andyman1970andyman1970 Posts: 6
edited 2016 13 in DriveRack PA2
I'm very new to pro audio and have a fairly basic setup right now

Yamaha MG166CX-USB mixer

QSC PLX 3102 power amp

Behringer Eurolive B215A powered x2
Yamaha CM15V monitors x2

I'm considering investment in the PA2 or even the Venu360 since I don't have anything else in the rack right now.

Before I make the investment, I'm curious if there's existing presets within the Driverack software for my cabinets. Can someone with a unit advise?


  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Don't get caught up in the hype of the speaker and amp lists. It is pure marketing and has no real benefit, especially with powered speakers.

    The PA2 does have some limitations when processing 2 completely different inputs (mains and monitors, for example). AFS, compression and the pre-PEQ can't be separated. The AFS is that state would be a deal breaker for me. The 260 is much better suited for that. The 360 is as well and also allows either stereo mains and 1 mon mix, or mono mains and 2 mon mixes.

  • andyman1970andyman1970 Posts: 6
    That is very helpful info re: separation limitations. I know enough about the underpinning physics to realize that potential limitation with the PA2. It sounds like the 360 has the most configuration flexibility, with the 260 more flexible than the PA2. I may or may not add subs in the future, so it appears that the 260 could be a good investment.
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    the 260 was a very sturdy unit. You can buy a used one with good assurance that it will be a safe investment.
  • andyman1970andyman1970 Posts: 6
    Does the latest model 260 also have software for use with laptop, tablet, etc? Specifically the same software that comes with the latest PA2 and Venu360...
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    All versons of the 260 have GUI control for windows. No Ap.
    Youtube is very helpful. DBX has an official tutorial. http://dbxpro.com/en-US/training

    The link is not opening, but you might cab call tech support and see if they is a different link.

    Her is the software. http://dbxpro.com/en-US/softwares/drive ... -2-windows
  • andyman1970andyman1970 Posts: 6
    Thanks - found those earlier, and I agree they are quite helpful. Since technology rapidly becomes obsolete, I was curious if the Venu360 also uses DriveWare, or if the Venu360 software was a separate software package that also ran on tablets / mobile devices.
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Sorry, missunderstood. The 360 and the DRPA2 uses an Ap. The Ap is available for tablet and PC. PC can utilize wired connection or wireless.
  • andyman1970andyman1970 Posts: 6
    No worries - I have an opportunity to get a like new 360 for less than a 260. Hence my q's...
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    FYI - To use wireless connection you have to purchase a router.
  • VallyOrentVallyOrent Posts: 1
    fiogf49gjkf0dHi...i am a new user here. As per my knowledge PA2 does have some limitations when processing 2 completely different inputs. AFS, compression and the pre-PEQ can't be separated. The AFS is that state would be a deal breaker for me. The 260 is much better suited for that. The 360 is as well and also allows either stereo mains and 1 mon mix, or mono mains.

    hdi pcb
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