EAW KF650e speaker settings
I'm looking for help with the speaker tuning settings that will allow me to use my driverack PA2 with my EAW KF650e speakers. In my searches across the web I found a post that said that dbx and EAW had got together and worked out differences between their processors so that Driverack will work well with EAW speakers. I have not been able to find this information.
Unless there is an update, the only EAW's are the F series. Even then, there is no "tuning" included in the 260 or 360. Only x-over points that are very generic. Maybe the tunings you are looking for are provided by EAW and work well with the Driverack.
Please check may be it is useful to you....
The speakers are the KF650e series. It says KF650e on the back panel where the speaker connections are. I've doing google searches trying to find out as much as I can as to how other people are setting up their processor to run those speakers, and there hasn't been much information. I found a little bit of basic information on the EAW site,
What I have learned through my searches is the EAW processors use algorithms that are the same as most other manufacturers, such as Ashley. So settings such as EQ for an EAW processor can be used to set up an Ashley processor and it will sound right. But dbx uses a different set of algorithms from EAW and everyone else.
As a new owner of a dbx Driverack this information is not good news to me because I want my EAW rig to sound it's best. I realize that even at it's best the dbx it isn't going to sound as good as an EAW UX series processor with Gunness focusing, but I still don't want my driverack to sound substantially worse than an Ashley or even a Behringer processor.
In my Google searches I was able to find an old discussion that said that EAW was getting together with dbx in order to sort this out. EAW was providing dbx with a processor so dbx could perform tests to determine what the differences were and they even provided a link to where they were going to post the results.
When I saw that link from EAW on the dbx website I got excited! I thought yes! Score! I've finally found the information I'm looking for! I'm going to get my driverack working now and it's going to sound good! Then I clicked on the link and got my hopes and dreams crushed because the link took me to nowhere.
So I went on to the dbx technical support page, took the time to fill out the form telling them my problem and I have not heard anything back. So now I am on this forum trying to get some help and getting no love or help here either.
This is the first time in twenty years of dbx ownership that I have needed dbx technical support and now I am learning a very expensive lesson about dbx who obviously must want me to take my driverack back to Sam Ash and then take my business elsewhere.
No love here? I gave you all the info I had.
Thank you for all your help Dra. I'm just finding it very hard to believe I am the first person to ever try to set up a driverack to work with KF650's. I had expected that the technical support at dbx would have some experience working with their products and be able to provide useful information and not just ignore me. It's very unprofessional.