Mono system
I have a presonus 24.2.4 running into a pa2 and to a center cluster composed of three community speakers with a dual 15" sub. I've tried a number of setups but we are settling on running mono, but I'm running into a little trouble with the setup wizard. It wants to check right vs left levels and I'm not sure what to there. I go through and tell it I'm using a mono setup but it still does the r vs l check. Help?
Post back if that doesn't work.
Phew, install is not my wheel house.
You want 3 outputs? Why? Separate control of one or more highs?
When I first set it up I went through the wizard setting it up with custom speakers in a mono setup. Then when getting to the right vs. left test it caused some major head scratching. If using the preset overrides the left vs right in the wizard that would have alleviated a few headaches for me.
The way it is set up now it's running each speaker through its own channel of an amp. One speaker is brand new and a little hotter than the other two. Might be able to edge that one down a hair if needed.
I did a quick listen, set up this way and it seemed good through the house. Live band may be different of course.
This set up was using preset number 6 btw.
Since you are running mono, send a dual mono signal from the left & right output buses. To do this simply pan all channels to center.
Set up the PA2 as stereo with mono sub. Be sure to configure the GEQ to be unlinked. You may have to do this outside the wizard.
The connections will be this:
Left high - Amp channel 1 - Center speaker
Right high - Amp channel 2 - R & L speakers
Left low - Amp channel 3 (bridged ?) - sub
(or A1 - Cent , A2 - sub, A3 - R, A4 - L)
This allows the center speaker, which probably covering the most area and projecting the farthest to the rear, to run at a different level than the L & R speakers. This can be controlled by L & R main faders on the mixer, and since the sub is controlled by both the sub can be increased by either or both. If you need the sub NOT to be increased, you can use the output levels of the L & R highs in the PA2. Or also by the amps if you want to set and forget.
That also allows different EQ settings for the center or L & R zones.