crossover help
hi guys! i'm happy i find you here!
i recently purchased driverack pa2 , i used to use a 3 way active crossover for my setup but finally i upgraded ...
i have q pair of 3way speakers custom made by me,the woofers are jbl2258 for lows 2123 for mids and jbl selenium d220ti for highs...
my question is i can't *blend* successful the mids with the low... it seems that mids and lows blend well but the low woofer sub seems to play like dumb... i know that 2123 works from 100 to 500hz at -8db so i guess there's a *hole* there which the woofers don't blend the frequencies well ... my question is what slopes or filters shall i use to blend all the frequencies of the woofers low mid and high correct... is it only a crossover thing or there is more which obviously i dont understand... thank you very much for your help and sorry for the mess
i recently purchased driverack pa2 , i used to use a 3 way active crossover for my setup but finally i upgraded ...
i have q pair of 3way speakers custom made by me,the woofers are jbl2258 for lows 2123 for mids and jbl selenium d220ti for highs...
my question is i can't *blend* successful the mids with the low... it seems that mids and lows blend well but the low woofer sub seems to play like dumb... i know that 2123 works from 100 to 500hz at -8db so i guess there's a *hole* there which the woofers don't blend the frequencies well ... my question is what slopes or filters shall i use to blend all the frequencies of the woofers low mid and high correct... is it only a crossover thing or there is more which obviously i dont understand... thank you very much for your help and sorry for the mess
As a general rule, use LR24 filters between all drivers and BW18 for the lows roll-off.
Start here.
45hz BW18 - 150hz LR24
150hz LR24 - 2Khz LR24
2K LR24
so i have to use the parametric eq to bring the 2123 flat from 250hz to 1000hz ?
Did you mean 150 to 2000? 1000 puts a lot of load on the horn.
Yes. Use the output PEQs to flatten and the gains to level.
yes i ment 150-2000, but the 2123 jbl data sheet says that recommended cross for these woofers are 250hz... shall i put 250 or 150 ?
also if i let it auto eq with the rta mic, will it be flatten by itself (through the process of auto eq)the 2123 drive ? or i have to go by myself to do it through the output PEQS manually?
thank you and sorry for all the mess !
ahhhh i see! so i freeing up the main eq by activating the peq's with the info that the auto eq have created! so clever!!
tell me what shall i do with the 2123 ? 250 or 150 or 200 ? shall i use 150 by your experience or to trust jbl sheet 250 crosspoint ? thank you very much for your help Sir. !
thank you so much! i have much work to do !!! thank you again