Crossover Question: PA2 with single Mackie SRM-550 speaker
Hi all,
I just received my Driverack PA2 and been reading the forums and manual (of course). Question about crossover settings using my SRM-550 Mackie. Its range is 55K-17K with a crossover at 3K. I'm a bit confused with the PA2 crossover settings as it show the options for High, Mid, and Low settings. The Mackie is a single powered speaker unit - not separates. What settings do I start with for Highs (high pass), Mids (low pass), and Lows (gain)? Any comments or solutions?
You don't use the crossover set the pa2 for full range
Can that speaker be biamped externally? If so then in the wizard choose 2 way no sub
Excellent thread...!!!
Hello - so depending on how you connect to the speaker, if it is a powered speaker it has it's own internal crossover. In that case you can run Factory Preset Stereo Full Range. If you want to biamp the speaker and run another set of cables, then you can run in Stereo 2 Way.
It's completely connection dependent to determine which preset to use. Contact us at tech support if you have more questions
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