Driverack PA2 with Behringer B1520 and B1800x
I have two Behringer B1520 for the high and two Behringer B1800x and i am using two behringer EP4000 amp, one for high and one for low in stereo , i cant find behringers amp in the list in the driverack PA2 , is there any recomendation i shuold use for those amps ? i use this when i will do DJ GIG
I ALSO have 4 PEAVEY Impulse 15 inch and two Peavey 18 inch lowriders and i use these when there is a band playing if i have a gig of a band .
any advise will be appreciate it , thank you
If your amp is not listed, then select NOT LISTED option when setting up a preset through the Wizard, do not select any of the other amp models. After your preset is setup you can set your limiter manually.
Since the PA2 is Preset based, you can make a separate Preset for each scenario to switch between.