DriveRack PA2 AutoEQ Not keeping EQ curves.
in dbx Software
AutoEQ module.
After running EQ wizard, you retouch some bands, then you are in the 'manual' section.
You store the current preset as 'name1'
Then, change to another preset....
Later, recall that 'name1' preset
Go to AutoEQ, and you see the manual EQ curves. Everithing SEEMS ok, but...
Press either 'flat' or 'AutoEQ' button anf then press 'manual' button and everything in the 'manual' EQ curve is lost.
Please, help
btw, using firmware
It happens either using IOS app, Windows app or directly from PA2 front panel, so it seems a firmware issue.
Yes that is by design, if you press flat or manual essentially you are removing the AutoEQ curve
Pg 29 of the manual:
"The AutoEQ PEQ provides three options: FLAT, MANUAL, and AUTOEQ. Select the FLAT option to zero out the AutoEQ
PEQ (set all bands to 0 dB). The MANUAL option shows any manual adjustments you have made to the AutoEQ PEQ – if
you haven’t made any, the PEQ will be flat when the MANUAL option is selected. Select the AUTOEQ option to get back to
the PEQ settings that were set when you ran the AutoEQ Wizard."
The manual says: 'The MANUAL option shows any manual adjustments you have made to the AutoEQ PEQ'
That is correct.
And the manual adjustments are indeed stored in the profile.
The problem is that those manual adjustments are lost when you switch to the AUTOEQ option and back.
I made a video showing the issue.
I'll have to take a look at this when I can get my hands on a PA2 unit, we are currently out of the office. I'll get back to you.
Great. I look forward to it. Thanks!!!
Any news?
I have raised the issue yes. It may be addressed in a firmware update but no ETA/Schedule of any kind.
Thanks so much.
Any news regarding this issue?
No info to impart at this time. I have been told no firmware updates are planned.