Venu360 - No Firmware Found, USB Ready (or other startup/lock up errors)
Posts: 1,380
To reflash the firmware:
Here is the procedure (you will just need a USB Cable and a Windows PC to perform this)
1) Erase the firmware, while powering up press and hold buttons EDIT + RECALL and wait until the countdown finishes and the firmware is erased
2) Use the manufacturing updater to reinstall the firmware
The .zip that contains the files for the updater are listed on the right under Downloads -
Extract all of the files into the same directory.
If you run into any issues with the utility or performing the update contact Tech Support (details in Signature)
Message uploding firmware failing
What can i do please ?
Le message sur l'ecran du Venu360 indique le début du telechargement du firmwaire puis s'interromp et fini par indiquer failing.