PA2 AutoEq Outdoors
Installing a PA2 for my sound system in my patio.
Patio is open on 2 sides. Running 4 JBL control 47lp ceiling speakers (copying a buddies system that sounds amazing) and a Bassboss BB15 sub.
What would be the preferred RTA mic placement in this scenario?
I know how to set the gain structure, limiters, crossover, but I've never EQ'd a system with a mic.
So after running the autoeq do you have to make changes to the PEQ and retest till flat? Are any other adjustments to PEQ or GEQ needed after that?
I generally listen to rock, country, and blues. But my 16yr old is going to connect his dj controller and crank up some EDM also, so should I have two presets for both sources?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Mic placement is shown in a graphic in the AutoEQ wizard. same placement, no more than 25 or so feet back from the speakers at a triangulated spot.
You should not need to make more adjustments necessarily after the AutoEQ but you can if you wish.
You can make presets, one for your programs, on for your son yes.