I have the PA2 and am using a Crown XLi 2500. Is the tuning the same as the XLS2500?
I have both of these amps running together in a tri amped system (3 way SRX725 in biamp mode and Mpro 418s subs). I just installed the XLi2500 and when using the level wizard the XLS is recommended at 75% but the XLi which is not in the list, is suggested at 30%. It sounds right, but does that mean that the XLi is that much more powerful thatn the XLS? Does this sound right? (no pun intended). Thanks
A search of the forums has revealed that the tunings are not of major significance. So will trust the level assist and leave it at that. Thanks!
Yeah the amp tuning only has limiter information, so if you are not using the Limiter on the PA2 it will not matter. Contact us if you have further questions!