PA2 and fir filters
in dbx Software
So. I looked inside my PA2 and found a 4th Gen 450mghz Sharc processor (2015 BUILD). Faster than a miniDSP 400mghz processor. Why is there not an option to use fir filters when resources are available. I get the low latency and feature set of PA2 not wanting to slow down the PA2. I use my PA2 for active crossover ( my speakers are custom and don't need eq or any other features of the PA2)
BUT if I want to get into transfer function / PHASE correction at the expense of sub harmonic synthesis or feedback monitoring/Suppression that would be nice to have.
I like my PA2. Don't get me wrong. My system sounds great.
But for conversation sake.
Missing on the venu also ?
BUT if I want to get into transfer function / PHASE correction at the expense of sub harmonic synthesis or feedback monitoring/Suppression that would be nice to have.
I like my PA2. Don't get me wrong. My system sounds great.
But for conversation sake.
Missing on the venu also ?
When the DriveRacks were designed/developed the best options of hardware are related to cost and functionality - now if it was something they wanted to introduce as a firmware update or some other option that was requested enough, they would do so but likely there is not enough of a demand. Honestly, in my 7 years here, you're the only one I have seen bring this up lol, but I can always pass the information onto product dev and see what they think.
I think there is a lot of demand for FIR filters. People just don't go through the trouble of requesting them on this website, as they don't see them in the product specs.
The lack of FIR filters is one of the reasons that other suppliers like Thomann with their FIR DSP 408, or Marani are gaining ground in the market. We have a Driverack PA2 and a Venu360. For us it looks like Harman is just milking a successful product. There is little development.
I'm not sure what the plan is for future firmware or product updates but the DriveRack's pretty much have what they have for now. Reviewing the FIR DSP 408 it looks like it mostly for home audio/theater use. The DriveRack wasn't really developed with that application in mind, was more for DJ setups, small/large music venues and Professional Audio applications. A lot of people found out after the fact you could use the Venu360 for Home Audio and Theater setups.
Of course, we are monitoring market needs and where we can improve our products but definitely always appreciate any feedback.
Active crossover and time alignment is was enough. Venu and Blu are likely to used by engineers using smart and or other comparable response and room analysis.
Harman is losing market share to xilica, xta, lake and the like for making the feature hard to use ???
I have since sold off my pa2 and blu 160. I was looking into Venu capabilities and found thos old thread of mine. Maybe next year there will be more info on this.
The functionality is in hiQnet so ???? Can the firmware of the dbx products be made to use hiQnet ?
I wonder....
By the way for readers of this. .. Some jbl presets. Couldn't tell you which ones , but Vertec comes to mind do use fir filters. If I recall correctly