What's with all the unbranded 234XL devices found on eBay?
If you do a search for dbx 234 active crossovers, you'll see a bunch of unbranded products that look exactly like the real thing, even to the point of having a "Harman International" logo on the back. I'm sure these are bootlegs, but I'm surprised that they're even available. Seems like the folks in the legal department ought to get busy.
Yeah those do not look legit by any stretch!
First I have seen of this, and those crossovers are the old version. I will definitely let our product managers know! Thanks for the info.
Here is the images of what the product looked like - obviously branded correctly
I've heard that bootlegs such as the one I showed above are often run off at the same factory in the dead of night by unscrupulous contractors. The problem, of course, is that they're not subjected to the same kind of quality control and their unreliability affects the reputation of the genuine product since they can confuse the average customer. Until I took a closer look, I mistook them for dbx products.
I am not sure but they got ahold of the old styled chassis somehow, so who knows!? Either way I let our GPLM dbx product manager know and they will move forward with whatever legal action they need to do and contact eBay as well