DBX PA2 - Selective presets per Module?
in dbx Software
Would it be possible to extend the preset managing feature of the PA2 Control Apps (at least Win/OSX) with a feature to load presets of modules selectively?
I want just want to load the X-Over settings from one preset but keep everything else of my current settings intact.
I select to load the preset of my choice, click "recall", then a NEW SCREEN presents me with a bunch of pre-selected checkboxes per module (GEQ, PEQ, Comp, XOver, Delay, Limiter, AFS, ...) and I can deselect the ones I do not want to be applied.
I do not know the PA2 internals but this seems to be rather easy to implement and would be a huge gain in usability.
The preset will save however you have it in the state it is in. So if you have the compressor off, or the GEQ off, it will not load if you recall the preset. You need to make sure you store those changes in the device and then you can make a backup to your device. It does not save dynamically.