Did I receive a fake/knockoff Driverack PA2?
I bought this used/mint from Reverb and not new. I have other dbx equipment and when I went to rack this is it just seemed a little off to me on the finish from my other dbx gear. The red flags to me are the finish, the model/serial number tag that says Made in USA, and some label differences on the back. The seller seems to have a never ending supply but lists just one at a time. I also noticed the inside looks exactly like the ones available on those Chinese reseller pages. I don't own another one but I compared with reputable resellers sites. Here are some pics, not here to waste anyone's time but figured someone here would know pretty quick if its not the real deal. Not fair to the manufacture of the real product.
I have reported fraudulent Chinese sellers. Ebay says they see no fraud. The ads use dbx name and authorized retailers in titles but products come from China and are.missing dbx logos... pretty clear to be knock offs....
Here is a 2014 or 2015 build. The pa2 came out at the end of 2014. I bought mine summer 2015.
Can't upload Pic. Yours is missing stickers on the board.
Dbx use to have professional gear 4800 series come to mind, not so much anymore ???
Love em both btw
Thanks for the info. I bought another legit one and compared. I definitely received a knockoff or fake product. The noticeable items were Made in USA tag, fake Neutrik connectors, cheap Wizard button, rotary encoder did not make the same click, voltage ID was a sticker, missing MAC sticker, and wrong finish on the case. Ironically when I reached out to the seller he immediately approved a full refund on the first unit and paid return shipping. That's suspect for sure.
I think I figured out where they come from. This site has them pictured exactly as the one I received but no dbx logo. When you look at the customer reviews, they all have dbx logos and boxes.
Pretty crappy. I probably wouldn't have noticed but when I racked it with my other dbx stuff it just appeared off. That and the fact the XLR cables wouldn't click in place raised some red flags.
Hope this helps someone else!
A few months back I purchased two units online via EBAY - appeared brand new in the box. They were knock offs. Would not have known unitl I put both units on the same network. Each one had the same MAC address. Seller did accpet a return.