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New gym install

DraDra Posts: 3,777
Hello all.
I am serving as an advisor on a small public high school gym system install. When I say small, this school plays 8 man footbal, I mean small. The gym has no stage and has bleachers on opposing walls that run almost wall to wall. Exact dimensons I don't have yet. I have not visited the gym, nor will I, because it is 1000+ miles away. Dimensions of the gym are being taken and I should have them soon, but it is basketball court size.

The current system consists of PA horns (paging kind).

Here are their needs.
Public address for games (announcing).
Music playback for player entrances and cheerleader routines.
Occasional choral / vocal performances.

So far they have a \"committed\" budget of $6000.

Here are my initial thoughts on set-up.
4) Powered speakers (leaning heavy to Yorkville NX55P)
Center clustered, 2 arrayed for each bleacher.
These cab have a 80 x 50 horn. I have an Email in to Yorkville asking if there is a problem flying these cab horizontally (there are 2 top and 2 bottom rig points plus a pull back on the back at the bottom of the cab). The cabs only weigh 42 lbs, but that does put shear force on the 1/4-20 bolts. ANY THOUGHTS HERE? This option will be considered if the gym needs a 100 combined dispersion vs the 160 combined.
1) Mixer ( Mackie MAC1402VLZIII, for example)
12 - 14 channels, with at least 2 stereo channels for CD, tape, Ipod, etc. No auxes or FX required, possibly 1 monitor out (or aux) for future use. XLR outs
1) DRPA or 1) stereo 31 band EQ (or mono pair)

I know the 260 is preferred, and I still may add to a equipment list. The main factor is no soundman will be operating the equipment. And any setting of mixer / EQ / DRPA, etc will be done over the phone.

1) Powered speaker alternatives (and why)?
2) Mixer suggestions (and why)?
3) Processing (and why)?
4) Speaker placement changes (and why)?

I am getting pricing on these boards:
Yamaha MG12/4C-CA,
Soundcraft EPM12,
Mackie CFX12-MKII,
Mackie 1402-VLZ-III,
Yamaha MG12/4CX-CA,

and these processors (only one will be purchased):
Driverack PA
Driverack 260
DBX 231

Any \"NO\"'s in the lists?

In advance, thanks a ton.



  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Morning DRA,
    Just what I would have done.. ctr cluster that is...
    DON\"T like the MG series..
    Chose the 260 for these reasons:
    1. Can set multiple levels of security so that anxious little fingers cannot diddle... no other choice offers that
    2. You can send .dwp files for them to install in the 260 without ever having to go there
    3. you can get setup files and screen shots to see whats happening in the event of a problem...
    4. you can get EQ curves of the AUTO EQ for problem areas and send back PEQ fixes...
    :shock: :lol: wow that should just about do it don't you think?
    I like the Yorkies..
    Mackie and JBL are the antichrist...
    Allen and Heath Mixwiz if you please...(awesome mixer...)
    I would try the vertical mount and try and keep as much sound off the sidewalls as possible... try and hit the people with the sound and som on.. but you know that.. I harp on that ad-infinitum.... :roll:

  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Thanks, and excellent point with the 260 file transfer. I have requested a quote for the H&A Mixwiz12/2 and the H&A PA12 (know any thing about it?).

    They are both a bit more than the others in the list. But, if you think that it is the way to go, I'll give it a shot in the bid (or in 1 of 2 bids) and let the customer have the final say.

  • MikeyMikey Posts: 82
    Forget equipment. You need to model that space and see what the ALCONS, RaSTI and/or clarity numbers look like.

    You can talk all day about equipment, coverage, yada yada yada, but you HAVE to know the space. ONLY then can you understand how a transducer will work in that space.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is not an easy solution in any space. Shoot me off an email and I'll send you a report for an old space that I've done. It will at least give you some indication as to what you have to be looking at.

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    edited August 2007
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    The actual installer (my nephew) is local and has (if I remember right) has been told the current local bid by the lady in charge of raising the money. We estimate being able to beat that bid by several thousand. The money is coming from donations, and enough has been collected so far to cover more than what we expect to charge. I am simply the \"this gear is good and this is the best way to set it up\" guy. I never expect more that 2 mics open at one time. But all I can do is recommend. If Billy Bob bids a system. I'll make sure to point out that Billy Bob's may work, but they may have to add gear to kill the feedback. I may be overkill, but they have security that the price they pay is the end of it. All I can do is offer the best gear for the best price and if he beats it, they have that right. Gadget's idea of the 260 is great because of the things listed.

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    edited August 2007
  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Oh, for sure, I will submit a \"budget\" and \"recommended\" package.

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    edited August 2007
  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551

    I gave you unsolicited advice and I sincerely apologize...

  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    If I didn't want advise, I would not have asked. All input is appreciated. When \"brain storming\", nothing's off the table. So, I apologize for your feeling that you needed to apologize. So, apologize for apologizing right now.

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    Hi Dra,

    You wanted advice in regards to equipment... Don't know what I was thinking...:roll:

    I apologize for apologizing...:(

  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915

    Deleting is my job! :!: :lol:

    When Mikey speaks...listen.. he IS the great and powerful OZ of sound systems.. I am but a lowly user with passion...


  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Ok here is a direct quest. Any and all comments appreciated.

    wood floor / block walls

    If a speaker cab (12 + horn) sits on a tripod stand 6 - 10 feet off the floor, and is aimed directly at a corner from a distance of 50 ft, and I stand anywhere in the direct field of the speaker (including up against walls and into the corner, how affected am I by reflected sound? Feel free to elaberate (elevating the speaker, moving the speaker closer farther, etc) on what I can expect. Intellegibilty is the key.

  • MikeyMikey Posts: 82
    Computer just ate a LONG reply. Screw it. You can call me if you want to talk.

    Mikey...the pissed off, hating digital, phase shifted, analog loving, way too much 3KHZ, tired and in need of vodka version...
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